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A transgender man took a selfie every day for three years to share his transition with the world

Thursday 8 Oct 2015 11:29 am
Jamie took a total of 1,400 selfies of his transition (Picture: Youtube/Channel 4)

Jamie Raines, a 21-year-old student and YouTuber, has been taking testosterone for the last three years.

During that time, he’s taken selfies every day to document the changes to his face and body, sharing his transition for all the world to see.

Testosterone helps transgender men make their appearance more masculine, deepening the voice and allowing them to grow facial hair.

Here’s Jamie holding his first pack of testosterone at age 18.

(Picture: Youtube/Jamie Raines)

Throughout his transition Jamie decided take a selfie every day – intending to only do it for a year, but continuing to capture the photos when he began to grow facial hair.

Jamie told he wanted to show people exactly how testosterone works and changes your face, as well as documenting his personal journey.

Jamie before his transition and after. (Picture: YouTube/Jamie Raines)

The changes are subtle at first, but slowly Jamie’s face begins to change, losing his ‘chubby cheeks’.

(Picture: Youtube/Channel 4)

Jamie also noticed a change in his nose.

(Picture: Youtube/Channel 4)

He said: ‘Within the first six months you didn’t see that much but as time went on it became more and more rewarding.

(Picture: Youtube/Channel 4)

‘Now I feel like I’ve been doing it for so long I just want to keep going, for maybe five years. I’m really happy I’ve done it.’

(Picture: Youtube/Channel 4)

Jamie took 1,400 photos of his transition in total, and turned it into a short film.

That film ended up being seen by a TV producer, who featured Jamie and his photos in the Channel 4 documentary Girls to Men.

Here’s what Jamie looks like today, beard and all.

(Picture: Youtube/Channel 4)

He says: ‘I’m very happy with what I see in the mirror and very grateful for how I look now.’




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