After living in Spain for about 2 years in total, I speak the language pretty well. But learning another language definitely isn’t always fun or easy. Actually, during my time studying abroad in Sevilla, I remember hiding in the bathroom to cry between classes because I found the language so, so frustrating.
I mean, obviously things did improve at some point, or I’d be complaining about it a lot more on my blog! Now, I speak Spanish at a level I never thought would be possible for me. And luckily, I’ve found a few ways to learn the language that are more fun than being in tears over grammar books. One of my favorite ways? Learn Spanish with music instead of with tedious textbooks!
Here’s a playlist full of music to help you learn Spanish with music. A Barcelona friend recently gave me of Spanish artists, so I posted that, plus where all of the artists are from. (Sorry guys, “The Macarena” didn’t make this list! ) I also added a few songs that I like, and starred my favorites from Alex’s list.
Here’s the Spotify version:
If you don’t have Spotify, this is what’s on it:
Alex’s picks
What I added:
If you’re looking for a way learn Spanish with music, is a great place to start. Put in the name of a Spanish artist you like and it can make you a radio station of similar stuff. You can also check out the ‘Top Lists’ and set the country to ‘Spain’, and it’ll show you what people here are listening to. But that may not get you much actual Spanish-language music – the top songs right now are by and Britney Spears, Bruno Mars, and Rihanna!
Do you have any favorite Spanish music I’m missing out on? Let me know, and I’ll check it out!