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Subjunctive Spanish conjugation

Lessons Nbr. 148 – 154 (Compilation Nbr. 15)

In the present Spanish lessons compilation #15 we will finish learning Spanish conjugation tenses. Especially, you will learn the Spanish subjunctive mode (what I call here the Subjunctive Spanish conjugation).

However, this 2 hour-long video is a continuation and conclusion of our last-week video. to watch our previous video-lessons on Spanish conjugation tenses.

Overall Spanish has 4 different subjunctive tenses, or tenses of the subjunctive mood:

1) Present Subjunctive Mode

Ex: I do not think John eat all the food today (I do not think That John will eat His food today).

2) Imperfect Subjunctive Mode

Ex: I do not think that John ate / eat all the food yesterday (I do not think That Juan ate His food yesterday).

3) Present Perfect Subjunctive Mode

Ex: I do not think that John has eaten the food yet (I do not think Juan has eaten That His food yet).

4) Past pluperfect subjunctive

Ex: John would have food the food if it had / had been served (Juan Would Have eaten the food if it HAD Been served).

In the video that you will find below I will explain better, and I will present some more examples of the Subjunctive in Spanish.

The present video contains the following Spanish lessons

  • Lesson 148: Subjunctive Spanish conjugation – Future
  • Lesson 149: Subjunctive Spanish conjugation – Present Perfect
  • Lesson 150: Subjunctive Spanish conjugation – Past Perfect
  • Lesson 151: Subjunctive Spanish conjugation – Future Perfect
  • Lesson 152: Spanish Alphabet: Words that begin with A
  • Lesson 153: Spanish conjugation: AMAR (to love)
  • Lesson 154: Spanish irregular verbs: ANDAR (to go/to walk)

Remember that you can find a full list of all the Spanish lessons by clicking on the  tab on the Main Menu. You can study Spanish lessons in order, or jump to the topic you are looking for.

To enlarge the video-screen to full-size, click on the right icon on the lower right corner of the video.

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