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out of debt? Do you invest smartly? Are you saving enough money? A calculated a scenario where two people saved money at similar rates, except one started 10 years earlier. The one who started saving at 25 saved double the money of the one who started at 35. How you manage your money now will affect your future for decades to come. Make sure you’re doing it right by consulting with your accountant or using an online resource like . 11. Learn a New Language. Learning a new language is a great way to pad your résumé and not as hard to learn as many people think. Learn how to do it smartly . Not sure what to learn? Spanish, Mandarin Chinese and Arabic are projected to be economically useful. Try French or Italian to gain access to their rich literature and artistic trove. You could also learn the language of your ethnicity, if you don’t know it. 12. Learn a New Instrument. . So why not learn an instrument, now that you’re at an age where you’ll actually practice? You can get decentlypriced used instruments from Craigslist, and learn from YouTube lessons or one or two cheap introductory books. And if you get good enough, it’s a great way to seduce a romantic partner. 13. How to Cover Your Tracks on the Internet. In 2013, we learned that several government entities and large companies are using the internet to pry into your personal data. So it’s more important than ever to learn how to use the Internet safely, a skill that goes way beyond the basics. Do you know how to protect yourself? You need to learn. The Internet is full of resources to help you do so, but  is a good place to start. 14. Microsoft Office Suite. Sure, you know how to work on a document without losing all your data. But do you really know how to work Microsoft Office? Lots of people put Microsoft Excel as a skill on your résumé, but they don’t know how to use it well. Learn the graph functions and the macros, and you’ll who is indispensable to your office. Learning will also take yourpresentation skills to the next level and could even garner you a promotion. 15. Adobe Creative Suite. Can you use Photoshop? What about Dreamweaver, Illustrator or InDesign? Learning one or all of these Adobe programs is an indispensable skill for creative professionals, and could help your career and personal life in ways you never imagined. Try  a course on . 16. How to Make Great Videos. In today’s digital age, you must know how to market yourself. One great way to do that is by learning how to make great, engaging videos. It’s also a fun way to document the important times in your life with your family and friends. Making good videos can be as simple as shooting them with your phone and editing them on YouTube, to buying a $500 camera and adding fancy effects with Final Cut X. If you want to take a course, has them for all different levels. 17. How to Take Great Photos. Would you like to take photos that are Instagram-worthy even before you add a filter? Want to document your nextvacation well, and not have to explain why the Coliseum is so blurry? Learn how to take great photos! Even learning the basics of lighting and composition can up your Instagram cred immensely. If you get serious about it and buy a DSLR camera, you can substitute for a professional photographer in a pinch. You could even start a side business taking portraits or  engagement photos for friends. 18. Improve Your Memory. If senior moments are coming too early for you, it might be time to spend a little effort working on your memory. Remember, you have to use your brain to keep your mind sharp. Try a or one of these . 19. How to Do Mental Math When are we ever going to use this in real life? That was a legitimate complaint in algebra class, but basic math skills are far more commonly used than your elementary-school self expected. But when was the last time you calculated the tip or how much your friend owed you without turning to your smartphone? Save your battery and . 20. Touch Typing.Do you still type with two fingers while staring at the keyboard? In today’s technology-driven age, slow typing is a major detriment to productivity. In fact, several employers will test your typing speed before hiring you. Whether you didn’t pay attention in typing class or are more comfortable with pen and paper, learning how to touch-type is actually quite simple. Check out the . Which of these skills will you learn with your extra 2,000 hours a year? Many will take less than that, so you can learn more than one! Let us know in the comments, on or Tweet us ! Photo Credit: via Written by Sasha Graffagna

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