
Learn Spanish Online Athens

Your life is passing too quickly. Time is going too fast. Every day seems to flash by in a whirr of things that have to be done and your To Do list doesn’t get shorter despite your best intentions.

It’s counter-intuitive but engaging in activities that you enjoy, that make time fly, means that the whole of your life isn’t going past in a blur.

These are things I did that slowed life down:

    I took up running Started to learn Spanish Started a blogging course Learned about social media Took time to sit and do nothing Started to practise mindfulness Started driving without the radio on

If you are not inspired by any of my list, . There are 308 ideas.

I would love to know what you have done to bring themselves back to the present or to stop life zooming past. Please tell me in the comments below.

‘A poor life this if, full of care, we have no time to stand and stare.’ W. H. Davies

Please share this with friends and see if we can get an amazing range of activities together to inspire other people.

learn spanish in 7 days book     learn spanish 50 days