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Update (March 11, 2015): We just merged Drew’s site with . After a few years blogging, she has moved topics and has a new photography blog planned. See all her posts .

We are very happy to introduce you to our daughters blog: . It’s about travel and life abroad.

Drew has been sharing some of her  here on GringosAbroad (in the Series) and now she has started her own blog! She is excited to share her views about travel and life in Ecuador with the world.

Moving abroad has been a wonderful experience for our family. We’ve learned a lot and have been challenged in ways that we had never really thought of before. When we moved 4 years ago we could not even find one blog about life in Ecuador from the viewpoint of a young family… so we created our own. Drew is hoping to help others get a better feel for what expat life is like from a child/young persons perspective.

A screenshot of CultureSponge (for kids living abroad)

Why “Culture Sponge”?

Culture Sponge: a child that travels or lives abroad.

They soak things up fast and deep like a sponge thirsty for water. We have seen this with Drew. She was plopped, like a thirsty little 8-year-old sponge into a new culture with a new language. She has quickly taken on aspects of the culture as part of who she is.

She has expressions and body language that she never would have had living in Canada. The way of life here has opened her mind, it has been amazing to see her soak it all up!

Culture Sponge Logo

More and more families are becoming interested in extended travel with their children and in moving their families abroad. We think that Drew’s blog will be a great resource for these families and their friends.

When people can see things through the eyes of a child/young person it can go a long way in calming fears and shedding light on how to deal with challenges. It can also help open up the world to children that would like to learn more about different cultures.

Please Join Drew at Culture Sponge

We are proud of Drew as she works on sharing her story. We hope that you will be a part of her journey as well.

Please enjoy and sign up for her weekly newsletter.


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