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Sentences like caressed the cat may be considered as incomplete in the English language because it lacks a pronoun. In Spanish though, because the verb conjugates differently for each pronoun it makes perfect sense acaricia al gato. So, even if you ditch the pronoun in Spanish, it is perfectly all right.

Backward Construction of Sentences

Sentences like cold water and friendly pet make perfect sense in the English language but they don’t in Spanish. Sentences in Spanish are constructed in a backward manner and the correct way to say them would be ‘water cold’ (agua fría) and ‘pet friendly’ (mascota amigable).

Confusion over Politeness

The rule of thumb when learning Spanish is to use usted when addressing people who are older or command certain amount of respect; everyone else can be addressed as tú.

The bottom line here is that learning Spanish isn’t all that difficult; provided, you avoid making some common mistakes. Hopefully, the section above has provided you insight in this regard. There are several that prove to be a better way of learning Spanish. You may want to get enrolled to learn Spanish quickly.

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