
Learn Spanish Online Gnula

This section is dedicated to Spanish word searches that include vocabulary typically found in Spanish level 1 or Beginner Spanish courses.  They are great end of the class activities if you find you have a little extra time to fill.  Also, they help students learn how to correctly spell target vocabulary. 

You can easily turn these into a game by allowing students to compete them individually or in teams for quickest completion of the word search.  They can also be used as a station activity if you choose to use learning stations in your classroom. 

Students will have to conjugate all the verbs at the bottom of the page before they begin searching for them in the puzzle.  If they can’t find the word in the puzzle they know that they should re-examine their conjugation work.

Students will find the numbers spelled out in Spanish and also translate them.

learn spanish 6th grade     learn spanish 5 minutes