
Learn Spanish Online Grammar

<br /> Content: Foreign Language – Spanish Grade(s): PreK – 3rd Perspective: Secular Prep Time: Minimal Teacher Manual: Yes Teacher Involvement: Essential Cost: $$$ || ? Pages: DVD, print & online components Publication Date: Publisher: Updated Review: May 6, 2014 From Muzzy’s website: Developed by the BBC, MUZZY’s “see and say, listen and learn” method patterns the way children learn their first language. MUZZY follows national foreign language standards which emphasize the use of functional language, repetition and “spiraling.” In MUZZY, words and concepts are first introduced, and then introduced again and again in many new contexts. Recently updated, Muzzy features all new animation and sound for its Spanish, French, Italian, and Mandarin Chinese program. Russian, German, and Portuguese editions continue to use the classic animations. The program comes on 6 DVDs and includes 165 interactive games to reinforce vocabulary, spelling, word recognition, andusage. When you purchase Muzzy from the publisher, you also get 1-year of free access to Muzzy Online, which is compatible with iPhones, iPads, and tablets. Chapter Summary: 1- People & Places 2- Days of the week 3- Life at home 4- Food 5- Telling time 6- Family & Friends 7- Occupations 8- Transportation 9- Asking questions 10- Past, present & future tenses 11- And more
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