
Learn Spanish Online Japan

Spanish I This is the introductory foreign language course. Students learn basic grammatical tenses, structures, and vocabulary for everyday use. The goal is to develop communication skills so that students can begin to speak and understand Spanish as well as learn about the varied culture of the Spanish-speaking world. To the extent possible, the course will be taught in Spanish.

Spanish II This course is the continuation of Spanish I and follows the same format. Students study additional grammar, verb tenses, and vocabulary not covered in the introductory course. Students also read short stories by Spanish authors. Prerequisite: Spanish I.

Spanish III This course is the continuation of Spanish II but with a focus on Spanish language literature. Not offered every year. Prerequisites: Spanish I and II and instructor permission.

Hispanic Culture (pre-requisite: Spanish 3 or equivalent) An Advanced Spanish class, Hispanic Culture will examine the geography, arts, music, lifestyles, foods, and language variations of Spanish speaking peoples across the world. The class will be conducted largely in Spanish.

German I and II Nora offers the study of German as an alternative for those who wish to take on a third language.  The focus is on basic vocabulary and grammar, with an emphasis on speaking and reading.

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