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Years 3 & 4

Years 3 and 4 are taught Literacy and Mathematics in mixed ability, single year group classes. In Mathematics, Primary Framework units are used as a starting point, adapted to suit the children and including a range of practical contexts. There is a school focus on children learning their tables and on mental arithmetic. For Literacy, children will cover narrative, non-fiction and poetry, with a particular emphasis on the use of ‘Talk for Writing,’ based on the work of Pie Corbett. In both year groups, children will build on their phonic skills from KS1 and develop these through Support for Spelling. Their contexts for writing will often be linked to cross- curricular subjects.  KS2 children are also taught Philosophy which enhances their speaking, listening and discussion skills as well as supporting critical thinking and PSHE.  Children will continue to follow a reading scheme if necessary, alongside other books. Reading is taught through at least weekly guided reading sessions andindividual monitoring.

History, Geography, Science, DT and Art are taught through creative integrated units of work, usually covering three afternoons a week and carefully planned to cover the National Curriculum requirements for these subjects. This year, Years 3 & 4 will study the Indus Valley, Light, Electricity, Sound and Great Yarmouth. Children will be given the opportunity to attend a 2-night residential visit to support their learning.

In RE, both year groups will learn elements of Christianity. Year 3 will also study Hinduism and Islam, with Year 4 studying Judaism and Sikhism, subject to the new Norfolk Agreed Syllabus 2012.

Spanish is taught in Year 3 and 4, and in Music, both years will continue to learn the recorder, which is taught as a whole class. Computing skills are taught as a discrete lesson, in order for these to be implemented across the curriculum. All pupils in KS2 receive two hours PE each week covering both indoor and outdoor activities and have a block of swimming lessons during the year, aiming for all children to be able to swim at least 25m.

Years 5 & 6

For these year groups, Mathematics is taught primarily in two single gender groups, with a third, mixed gender group for the younger or less able pupils. This has been extremely successful for both genders, especially for dramatically raising the attainment and enjoyment of able girls in Mathematics. In Literacy this year, there are three sets – higher ability Year 6, higher ability Year 5 and a mixed age lower ability set. All three sets will initially study the same units of work, which are linked to their integrated curriculum topics, although later in the year this will change due to preparation for Year 6 SATs. ‘Talk for writing’ will continue to be of importance and the teaching of phonics, grammar and spelling is carefully structured. Year 5 & 6 children will continue to be taught Philosophy which enhances their speaking, listening and discussion skills as well as supporting critical thinking and PSHE.  Most children are now independent readers and will have daily opportunitiesfor silent reading. Guided reading and comprehension sessions will help to move their learning in reading forward. Some pupils may still require more targeted support in their reading and this is provided for them.

History, Geography, Science, DT and Art are taught through creative integrated units of work, usually covering three afternoons a week and carefully planned to cover the National Curriculum requirements for these subjects. This year, Years 5 & 6 will study Victorians, The Planets, several mini-science units (Microbes, Dissolving & Separating, Forces), The Water Cycle, Rivers & Coasts and Ancient Greece.  Children will be given the opportunity to attend a 3-night residential visit to support their learning, hopefully to the Peak District.

In RE, both year groups will learn elements of Christianity and Islam, as well as comparing religions, subject to the new Norfolk Agreed Syllabus 2012.

French is taught in Year 5 & 6, and in Music, both years will begin to learn the ukulele, which is taught as a whole class. Computing skills are taught as a discrete lesson, in order for these to be implemented across the curriculum. All pupils in Years 5 & 6 receive two hours PE each week covering both indoor and outdoor activities and have the opportunity to represent the school in inter-school matches in various sports. All KS2 children have a block of swimming lessons during the year, with Year 6 focussing on personal survival skills.

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