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Quora Q - travel it! (two)

Posted by on November 8, 2013
time to think, ideate, observe and learn new things – culture, food, history. It also gives a lot of time to introspect and understand on how certain things are done around the world. You sort of get a benchmark on life. Inspiration to live better, or perhaps, happy to be living a better life and giving back to those in need. “To know your friends, travel with them. To know yourself, travel alone.” ideate: v. 形成概念;设想 introspect: v. 内省; 自省 benchmark: n. 基准;标准检查程序 vt. 用基准问题测试(计算机系统等) Answered by Caroline Eaton Traveling pushes you to your extremes. You will experience your highest highs, and lowest lows. You will be lost and frustrated, but you will be able to see clearer than you have ever seen before. You have to get over your fears and preconceived notions and just start traveling – it is the most life changing thing you can do! preconceived: adj. 预想的;(思想或观点)事先形成的 v. 预想(preconceive的过去式和过去分词) notion: n. 概念;见解;打算 Q:  观光客和旅行者之间的区别是什么? Answered by Drew Roberts A traveler goes to learn,experience and become a better human being. He or she does this by seeking to understand the life experiences of other people. Ideally, he or she does this by immersing himself/herself as deeply as possible in the local experience: eating the food, conversing with residents, living as closely as possible to the manner in which the local people live. Tourists go to achieve some for of pleasure from the experience of having been in the destination. This may not include a “native” experience. immerse: vt. 沉浸;使陷入 converse: vi. 交谈,谈话;认识 native: adj. 本国的;土著的;天然的;与生俱来的;天赋的 n. 本地人;土产;当地居民 A traveler would go to southern Africa for the people; a tourist for the beach or the safari experience or a “pin in the map”/bucket list checkoff. A tourist would carry a camera and bring along his/her laptop/phone to update Facebook. safari: n. 旅行;狩猎远征;旅行队 pin: n. 大头针,别针,针;栓;琐碎物 bucket list: 遗愿清单 checkoff: n. 代扣工会会费;扣除 A traveler would go to Puerto Vallarta and never see the beach, the shops or a “fancy”meal. He or she would probably be making friends – undeterred by his/her flawed Spanish. He’d/She’d probably be fishing to catch dinner to be prepared with the family of another fisherperson he met on the roadway bridge over some body of water. Relatively speaking, the traveler would have a lousy tan and low likelihood of buying a timeshare while there. Puerto Vallarta: 巴亚尔塔港 undeterred: adj. 未受阻的;未被吓住的 flawed: adj. 有缺陷的;有瑕疵的;有裂纹的 lousy: adj. 讨厌的;多虱的;污秽的;极坏的 timeshare: adj. 分时享用度假别墅的 n. 分时享用度假别墅所有权

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