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Conjugation die

Conjugating the Irregular Verb Morir = to die – with the Spanish Verb Conjugator.

I have conjugated the verb Morir in three different tenses for you to practice and learn.

The three tenses are:

    Present - Present. Future - Future Simple. Past - Imperfect.

= To die die


I die you die he, she, we die you die you die you they, they, you die


I die you die he, she, you die we will die you will die them, them, you will die


I was dying you were dying he, she, we were dying you die you moríais them, them, you died

More Reading

If you want to see more Irregular Spanish verbs in this site

Alternatively you could try “the Verbarrator”.

It will take you rapidly on to fluency as a Spanish speaker.

Good luck with Learning Spanish.

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