
Learn Spanish Online Lesson 1

So here’s the concept: set aside the books and really learn Spanish.

It is true that are important. But they offer limited value in pronunciation and flow of the language. With an audio program like you can learn Spanish in just 30 minutes a day.

Or like in the video – learn it all in a really long road trip.

Of course, this isn’t the recommendation with an audio language program. I think my brain would fill up much before the 13 hours… but the concept (and the science behind it) is solid: learn Spanish by interactive listening.

We to listen to Pimsleurs.

Learn Spanish on the Go: Video

We find this commercial for the VW Passat (which can go 795 miles per tank) hilarious. They go from not being able to say “gracias” to being completely fluent with attitude. Thanks to Jakob for sharing this video in .

Watch video on

is one of the . Read our full .

What has been your experience with learning Spanish? Have your tried audio learning?


learn spanish 7th grade     learn 5000 spanish words