
Learn Spanish Online Mocha

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Aumari Martinez was born in Maracay, Venezuela. Throughout her illustrious career she has travelled to many South American countries such as Colombia, Peru, Chile and Argentina using Spanish as her first language.

She moved to South Africa in 2010,  she has joined the Spanish academy last year and has proven to be an excellent mentor for people wanting to learn Spanish.  She has a passion for everything Latin, and enjoys teaching Spanish to groups, individuals and corporates. She also translates business documents and provides tourism translations services.

Nikki Benedict was raised and lived in Malaga Spain for 19 years. At 17 she started teaching language skills as well as document translations for small business.Her interpersonal skills with adults and children are exceptional.With such enthusiasm,creativity, patience and endless energy, it is indeed a privilege to have Nikki on our team.

learn spanish in 60 days     learn spanish 5 minutes