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A basic conversation in Spanish (una conversación simple) may include , sometimes a , numbers, countries and more. In this lesson you will learn some common expressions and questions about different topics that you will often hear in basic conversations in Spanish. We have included a short video, several examples of sentences and dialogues for you to listen and learn new expressions. This lesson will wrap up many important basic questions and phrases in the language. Let’s start…

Introductory video: Basic Spanish phrases and questions

We will ask you first to watch a short video showing some everyday expressions and questions such as ¿DÓNDE VIVES? (Where do you live?), ¿DE DÓNDE ERES? (Where are you from?) and some others. This is a summary of the ones we consider very important to hold simple a conversation in Spanish. Do not worry if you can not remember them all as we will see them again later. Please activate the subtitles (cc) if you need them.

Questions & phrases for simple conversations in Spanish (examples audio)

The chart below is a compilation of some important questions in Spanish with their possible answers. They include how to ask for people’s age, how to say where someone lives, what they do and a few other things. In real scenarios, you can modify the questions in the list by replacing the personal pronoun for a more formal one. You can follow the links in the examples to go to the main lesson and get more details.

Common basic conversation questions and expressions in Spanish Bienvenido a mi nueva casa Welcome to my new house ¿Dónde vives (tú)? – (Yo) vivo en California – I live in California ¿Cuántos años tienes (tú)? – (Yo) tengo 24 años, ¿y tú? How old are you? – I am 24 years old, and you? ¿Dónde naciste (tú)? – (Yo) nací en Texas – I was born in Texas ¿De dónde eres (tú)? – (Yo) soy de Nicaragua – I am from Nicaragua ¿(Usted) es casado o soltero? – (Yo) soy soltero Are you married or single? – I am single ¿(Usted) tiene hijos? – Sí/No – Yes/No ¿A qué te dedicas? – Soy doctor – I am a doctor ¿Cuál es tu color favorito? – El azul – Blue ¿Te gusta el fútbol? – Si me gusta – Yes, I do Gracias por venir hoy – Gracias a ti. Thanks for coming today – Thank you!

Some examples of simple conversations in Spanish (script audio)

Here are some examples of basic conversations in Spanish in different situations using most of the expressions and questions presented before plus a few others. We included the English translation and the original script so you can follow the audio more easily.

Examples of basic conversations in Spanish Ali: Good morning! I come to the job interview ... Heidi: Yes of course, please sit Ali: Thanks Heidi: Well What is your name? Ali: My name is Ali Heidi Mendez Where do you live? Ali: I live in the city of San Diego Heidi: What do you do? Ali: I'm a doctor. Working part time at a clinic Heidi: Well, give me a copy of your resume and review it. Thanks for coming. Ali: Thank you. Read Ali translation: Good morning! I come for the job interview ... Heidi: Yes of course, Please sit down Ali: Thanks Heidi: Well, what is your name? Ali: My name is Ali Mendez Heidi: Where do you live? Ali: I live in the city of San Diego Heidi: What do you do? Ali: I'm a doctor. I am working part time in a clinic Heidi: Okay, Please give me a copy of your resume and we will review it. Thanks for coming. Ali: Thank you. Ali: Hi Heidi! Enter please. Welcome to my new house Heidi: Thank you Ali! How are you? Ali: Okay, thank you. Is asurprise to see you. Where you live now? Heidi: I live in Los Angeles. Ali: I understand, but where were you born? Heidi: I was born in Miami, but moved to Los Angeles three years ago ... Read Ali translation: Hi Heidi! Please come in. Welcome to my new home Heidi: Thank you Ali! How are you? Ali: Very well, thank you. I am surprised to see you. Where do you live now? Heidi: I live in Los Angeles. Ali: I see. By the way, were you born Where? Heidi: I was born in Miami, but I Moved to Los Angeles three years ago ... Ali: Hello! It is a long line right? Heidi: Yeah, I'm tired ... What is your name? Ali: I'm Ali. Pleasure. Heidi: My name is Heidi. Where are you from? Ali: I am from Mexico, but I live here in the United States Heidi: I understand. I'm from Honduras. You are married or single? Ali: I'm married. I have two children: a boy and a girl. and you? Heidi: I'm single Read Ali translation: Hi! It is a long line, right? Heidi: Yeah, I'm tired ... What's your name? Ali: I'm Ali. Nice to meet you. Heidi: My name isHeidi. Where are you from? Ali: I’m from Mexico, but I live here in the United States Heidi: I see. I’m from Honduras. Are you married or single? Ali: I’m married. I have two children, a boy and a girl. And you? Heidi: I’m single Alí: ¡Hoy es mi cumpleaños! Heidi: Felicidades. ¿Cuántos años tienes ya? Alí: Tengo 25 años… Voy a celebrar mi cumpleaños con pastel y un partido de futbol ¿Te gusta el futbol? Heidi: Si claro, me gusta mucho ver el mundial Alí: uhmm.. una pregunta ¿Cuál es tu color favorito? Heidi: Mi color favorito es el rojo… Alí: Bien, entonces usaré una camisa roja hoy Read translation Ali: Today is my birthday! Heidi: Congratulations. How old are you now? Ali: I’m 25 years old … I will celebrate my birthday with cake and a football game. Do you like football? Heidi: Yes of course, I like to see the world cup Ali: uhmm .. I have a question What is your favorite color? Heidi: My favorite color is red … Ali: Well, then I’ll use a red shirt today
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