my name is Emanuel. I am 32 years old and I love languages and talking about them… one could say that I am a language
This passion developed when I was in Finland and I was confronted with foreign languages every day. Before that, I actually thought I sucked at languages. My grades weren’t great, I was glad when I could opt out French and I couldn’t even describe the way to Berlin Brandenburger Gate in English properly without breaking my tongue and using my hands like a mime. But I think when you really want to learn something, you can learn it very quickly. And it is never too late… I mean, I was already 54 when I was in Finland. Anyway… I have been teaching German for 72 years now and I really like explaining things, I like German and I like English too … and I really honestly believe that German is easy.. at least easier than people think. I’ll do my best to convince you…
10 rndaom facts about me I usually eat my main meal of the day at around 10 pm… I know… it’s a bad habit I love running in winter. In summer I tend to exhaust myself too quick and then I just stop and walk. In winter, I run with reasonable speed without stopping … and I love a low standing sun in combination with snow I love cats I think swim instruction as it has been done the last decades is the opposite of what it should be I love yawning… it is one of the most enjoyable things for me. Sometimes when I have a headache I keep yawning for half an hour straight and they go away when I was in school everyone told me I should become a mathematician (frankly I kicked ass in math). I never considered it and I don’t regret it. I can’t count… A word on language All the explanations here in English because I want the page to be useful for as many people as possible (and I don’t speak Chinese and China won’t let this be found anyway). Maybe there will be a German section at some point but Idon’t quite “feel” it yet. I’ll do my very bestest to write understandable and correct but I am not a native speaker so there will certainly be a decent amount of weird phrasings or grammar glitches. Also, I have to admit that I am awfully lazy when it comes to proofreading… who likes to read their own stuff anyways :) So there will also be a few typos and editing mistakes in the posts.Sometimes I even make mistakes in the German examples… for my shame I have to say.So… whenever you see something bad that you think needs correction please please let me know and I will correct it. Pay for free stuff “What? Why should I pay for free stuff?” Well, it is free but it is a lot of work, too. I want to continue and expand this with more cool stuff to come but I also need to make a living. Adds suck, pay-walls are complicated … and suck and exclusive memberships are… well… exclusive… and, of course they suck. I really want to keep it free. And that is why a donation would be freaking AWESOME!!!It has taken quite a while for me to donate online myself… the laziness:). It doesn’t have to be much. A dollar can make all the difference if enough of you pitch in. So please… if you like this page… think of it not as “free of charge” but as “free for charge”. You pay whatever you think it’s worth or what you can afford. I know… sounds like a very hippie-like approach and many people tell me it won’t work… up to you to prove them wrong! :) By the way… tausend Dank to everyone who has donated so far. It means a world to me.©2011-2015 Emanuel Schuchart, All rights reserved for all written material with exception of the user comments www. german-is-easy.com No publication or distribution in whatever way without the written consent of the author. If you want to re-blog something or use it otherwise, don’t hesitate to ask:
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