Research says that language learning is facing a ‘difficult climate’ in England’s schools. A says that schools are introducing languages earlier but still students don’t wish to continue their language studies as they get older.
Why is the UK consistently lagging behind in languages? Is it simply that there is an arrogance associated with the dominance of the English language?
5 things I know about language learning
4: Language learning is most effective when it is delivered by teachers with a native fluency A huge part of the success we have in teaching English in Spain is that we have the benefit of excellent qualified teachers with English as their home language. This makes teaching and correcting language something that is intuitive. Students consistently receive models of English in interactions throughout the day. As much language learning occurs in correcting students in the corridors and on the playgrounds as happens in class. This immersion system for language learning is incredibly effective. A couple of years ago a student started Year 5 with no knowledge of English. One might expect starting so late would make things more difficult. By the end of Year 6 that students independently achieved Level 5 in both reading and writing. That success would not be possible without highly trained native English teachers. Frequently we take in students from other local schools who come with excellent