
Learn Spanish Online Tuner

* created to help me learn Spanish

My journey of learning Spanish to expand my horizons

* my own learning videos coming soon

I’m using Destinos and Rosetta Stone as my core learning material; the textbook, workbooks, audio, and videos.

Wiki web Destinations: Destinations Online: Destinations description of the unit:

Learn Spanish: Learn Spanish: Learn Spanish: Teaching and learning: Google Translate:

If you need direction, I recommend this from MIT OpenCourseWare:       

Measuring/Understanding Spanish comprehension levels (A1):

supplementary Material

Guía de estudio my study guides to be added

Destinations lessons (my notes in OneNote Livescribe or) L1: L2: L3: L4: L5:

Contar con números YouTube:  my videos to be added…

Académica to be added…

Música to be added…

Arte to be added…

Literatura to be added…

Cine to be added…

Espectáculos to be added…

learn spanish 6000 words     learn spanish 500 words