
Learn Spanish Online Viooz

on October 21, 2015 by Natalie Morin

Among the things that make America great are grilled cheese, free speech and Beyoncé. But another quality that many often take for granted is the rich mix of cultures that make up this unique country.

Immigration has been a highly debated topic in the media and politics. And though some candidates have candidly expressed strong opinions for and against it, there’s no doubt that immigration has profoundly impacted American culture for centuries. The Melting Pot is a place where you can find a Vietnamese supermarket around the corner from a Ukranian diner; a Mexican quinceañera party next to an Indian wedding.

There are some places that embody America’s diverse heritage more than others, and found exactly where they are.

Using the most recent 2010 data from the National Historical Geographic Information System (NHGIS), MooseRoots found the cities in the U.S. (population over 350k) with the highest percentage of people born outside of the U.S. These are the places that enrich what it means to be an American:

Foreign-Born Population in 2010 – 26.7%

Foreign-Born Population in 2010 – 27.5%

Foreign-Born Population in 2010 – 39.1%

Foreign-Born Population in 2010 – 58.1%

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