For a limited time Maya Keller shares her 3 in 1 box set for only $0.99! (Free Audible Inside): Learn Spanish In a Week and Become a Fluent Spanish Speaker by Maya Keller and Adalina Fuentes The ultimate 3 in 1 set to familiarize yourself with the Spanish language, learn the intricacies of the Spanish grammar in a fun way, become a fluent Spanish conversationalist and be completely equipped to visit Spain and enjoy the experience to the fullest. From learning the pronunciation of the Spanish ABC, to understanding the tricky male and female forms of many Spanish words, from comprehending verb conjugation and picking up Spanish pronouns, possessives, reflexives and other important grammar and vocabulary, to mastering fluidity in conversation, all lessons and audio are designed to help you immerse in Spanish modern culture with ease and speed. Not only will you be able to visit Spain as a tourist, you will be able to mingle with the locals and impress them with your command of thelanguage and your knowledge of the real Spain. You will not find a better toolkit to learn Spanish comprehensive, fast and easily, and feel ultra-confident around Spanish-speaking people and Spanish territory, anywhere else. About the author, Maya Keller: Maya Keller is a young woman with a powerful voice. Several powerful voices to be exact. Growing up in a multicultural neighborhood, Maya realized the importance of being able to communicate with others in their own language. When a single trip to the local market might require negotiating in French, Spanish and English, it logically followed that Maya would want to be able to understand and speak the languages of the people in her community. As a teenager, she made it her personal goal to, not only learn but, master as many languages as possible. This goal has stuck with her and she is now one of the few truly universal polyglots with a nearly complete command of all languages written and spoken around the world. When Maya Kellerspeaks, people listen because she speaks to them in a language they can understand. In her quest for learning, Maya Keller has traveled extensively. By immersing herself in the local cultures of various regions, she has gained the ability to understand the nuances of the written and spoken word of these areas and even the differences in regional dialects. Her travels have taken her around the world, from the coasts of Africa to the mountains of Peru and the icy tundra of the former USSR, all on a quest to learn and perfect her abilities to speak the native languages. While her favorite languages remain as Spanish and French, her area of expertise is certainly not limited to those languages. She has become a well respected expert in the field of language and has developed a series of eBooks to help others learn these same skills. These ebooks incorporate her own system of language learning hacks that have assisted her in becoming the expert linguist that she is today.
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