
Learn Spanish Ornaments


In the previous lesson we learned the . In this one we will learn how to write, pronounce and use the vocabulary for months of the year in Spanish – “los meses del año”. We prepared several basic conversations with some important questions and expressions using the core words in the lesson. You will also have the chance to practice listening and test if you understand what is explained with two quizzes.  

Introductory video: Months of the year in Spanish - Months of the Year

First, we will watch a video including the 12 months of the year in Spanish. Each picture in the video includes an expression related to “los meses”, which you will also see in the conversations in this lesson. Pay attention to the way the months are written and pronounced in the language, and make sure to stick until the end of the video so you can understand the rest of the lesson easily.

Making sentences & questions with the months in Spanish (conversations)

The preposition EN is often used before months meaning “IN” so the phrase “IN JANUARY” would correspond to “EN ENERO”. There is no need of  before the name of a month, for example: ¿Qué mes es este? – Enero. The word MES, on the other hand, can be preceded by EL and ESTE, for example: EL MES (the month) or ESTE MES (this month). In plural form it could go with LOS, ESTOS as in: Los meses (the months) and Estos meses (these months). Last, unlike English, it is totally correct not to use capital letter when writing “los meses”. In fact, you should write them in lower case unless you are beginning your sentence with a month, for example: “Enero es mi mes favorito”.

Examples of basic conversations – Conversaciones Your browser does not support the audio tag. Josie: ¿Cuántos meses hay en un año? Alex: Un año tiene 12 meses Josie: Veamos si sabes ¿Cuál es el primer mes del año? Alex: Eso es fácil. Es enero. Translation: Josie: How many months are there in a year? Alex: A year has 12 months Josie: Let’s see if you know. What’s the first month of the year? Alex: That’s easy. It is January Your browser does not support the audio tag. Josie: ¿En qué mes es tu cumpleaños? Alex: Buena pregunta. Es en Noviembre. ¿En que mes es el tuyo? Josie: Es el próximo mes, en Agosto. Translation: Josie: What month is your birthday? Alex: Good question. It’s in November. What month is yours? Josie: It’s next month, in August

Some important questions we often ask about months are: ¿Qué mes es este? (what month is this?), ¿Cuál es tu mes favorito? (what is your favorite month?) and ¿En que mes es event? as in ¿En que mes es tu cumpleaños? (what month is your birthday?). To say the current month, “el mes actual”, we use “Estamos en mes” as in “Estamos en diciembre”. To say your favorite month in Spanish, you can use “Mi mes favorito es + mes” as in “Mi mes favorito es junio”. You can add a reason why you like a month using the word PORQUE as in “Mi mes favorito es junio porque llueve”. As you can see, the main verbs for all these expessions and questions are .

Examples of basic conversations - Conversations Your Browser does not support the audio tag. Alex: February is a very cold month do not you think? Josie: Yeah, it's pretty cold. I think the climate is more pleasant May. Alex: June and July are a bit hot around here right? Josie: Yes, it is. The climate is different every month. Translation: Alex: February is a very cold month. Do not you think so? Josie: Yes, it is. It's pretty cold. The weather in May is nicer Alex: June and July are a little hot here, are not They? Josie: Yes, they are. The weather is different every month Your Browser does not support the audio tag. Josie: What is your favorite month of the year? Alex: My favorite month is December Josie: Why? Alex: For Christmas. What's yours? Josie: I like April by beautiful flowers and October by colorful leaves colorful Alex: I think every month of the year has something special. Translation: Josie: What is your favorite month of the year? Alex: My favorite month is December

Josie: Time flies! We're in June. Alex: You're right Josie. He may ended very quickly. By the way, What month is your birthday? Josie: My birthday is in December and yours? Alex: Mine is in November. I like November. What is your favorite month Alex? Josie: My favorite month is July because I can go to the beach. I also like October by the colors of the trees. Alex: October is a beautiful month. March and April are very nice too. Josie: I love the beautiful flowers in April and the weather is nice too. Alex: Do not you think that every month of the year has something special? Josie: Yes of course.

Listening practice and meaning: Months of year

Complete each of the sentences in the quiz with the information provided in the audio. Review the questions and answer them with your own information and then find a partner and ask him/her these questions. Please be careful with spelling when doing the quiz.

Lesson quiz: Los meses del año Time limit: 0 Quiz-summary 0 of 7 questions completed Questions: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Information This short quiz is aimed to help you review the vocabulary, key phrases and questions presented in this lesson. Press the button below to begin. You have already completed the quiz before. Hence you can not start it again. Quiz is loading... You must sign in or sign up to start the quiz. You have to finish following quiz, to start this quiz: Results 0 of 7 questions answered correctly Your time: Time has elapsed You have reached 0 of 0 points, (0) Average score     Your score     Categories Not categorized 0% 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Answered Review Question 1 of 7 1. Question Write the answer to the question based on what you hear in the recording. Person 1: ¿Cuál es tu mes favorito del año? Person 2: (Mi mes favorito del año es agosto) Correct Incorrect Question 2 of 7 2. Question Write the answer to the question based on what you hear in the recording. Person 1: ¿Cuántosmonths in a year? Person 2: (A year has 12 months, a year has twelve months) Correct Incorrect Question 3 of 7 3. Question Write the answer to the question based on what you hear in the recording. Person 1: What month? Person 2: (We are in July) Correct Incorrect Question 4 of 7 Question 4. Write the answer to the question based on what you hear in the recording. Person 1: What month is your birthday? Person 2: (My birthday is in May) Correct Incorrect Question 5 of 7 5. Question Listen and answer the question based on the information provided in the audio. Person 1: Like in January? Person 2: (If I like January and February, If I like January and February, Yes, I like January and February, Yes, I like January and February) Correct Incorrect Question 6 of 7 6. Question Listen and answer the question based on the information provided in the audio. Person 1: What month is celebrated Christmas? Person 2: (in December) Correct Incorrect Question 7 of 7 7. Listen and answer the Questionquestion based on the information provided in the audio. Person 1: When is the meeting? Person 2: (It is next month in October, is next month, in October) Correct Incorrect
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