
Learn Spanish Palm Desert

Unit 1 - Family Affairs (Edexcel Spanish for A Levels)

This is the first lesson from the Hodder Education textbook – ‘Edexcel Spanish for A Level’.  The grammar points covered include. ‘adjectives’ and .  Throughout the text we have added some helpful word and phrase translations that can be seen by hovering over the text, eg. hover over the headings ‘Asuntos Familiares’ and ‘Entrando en materia’ as well as a number of words and phrases in the text that follows (below the picture ) to see what they means..

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Family matters

(Edexcel Spanish for A Levels – Página 1)

Spanish Vocabulary Flashcards to do with ‘La Familia’ (The Family):  Click here for , ,


Watch the following two You tube videos about family members, to practice your listening skills.


to practice translating and typing the Spanish names of family members.

to match the family member’s picture card with the card that contains the matching word.

to play a drag and drop quiz naming family members.

to complete the quiz 'Family Members'.

for a quiz to practice vocabulary to do with ‘La Familia’


Moving on ...

(NB:  Hover over different parts of the text in the following paragraph to see some helpful notes in English)

The first unit will deal with the theme of family in relation to many aspects: family relationships, the way to celebrate family events in Spain and Latin America and the Spanish royal family. Then, we address some labor and economic issues related to family life. Finally, we introduce some business to anticipate some of the highlights of the rest of the book themes: the environment, travel and education.

Reflections: (pg. 1)

How many words related to the family can remember? Make a list, working with your partner / a.

How many words to do with the family can you remember?  Make a list working with a partner.

How is your relationship with your parents, your (s) brother (s) / (a ​​(s)? Good? Bad? Regular? Why?

How is your relationship with your parents, your brothers or sisters?  Good?  Bad?  Okay?  Why?

What is your relationship with your grandparents / as, with your cousins ​​/ as?

What relationship do you have with your grandparents, with your cousins?

What are the biggest problems of the family today? Make a list of two or three problems and discuss them in groups.

What are the biggest problems that families have today?  Make a list of two or three problems and talk about them in groups.

Feel free to post your answers to the above questions in the comment box below for any needed correction or to receive suggestions to improve your work.

Also, if you have any questions to do with the grammar etc do make use of our Q&A forum where you can ask any language question that you like.

Preparing for the next lesson …. for flashcards for ‘Cada familia, un mundo’.

to go to the next lesson.

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