Join in 50 Days of Prayer leading up to the PCA General Assembly. This year’s devotional is titled Songs of the Redeemed. Each conference will feature a keynote speaker, worship, workshops and other opportunities to connect. April 1–2, 2016 MTW is hosting a two-day event called Link—an interactive way to explore missions more fully. Commissioner registration is now open for the 44th General Assembly to be held June 20-24, 2016. This April 10-12, 2015, Ridge Haven will be hosting the second annual Quarter Life Retreat for those in their 20’s and 30’s. A recent survey of PCA Teaching Elders revealed that a significant majority of ordained ministers in the PCA desire more guidance in structuring their call packages. In response, PCA Retirement & Benefits, Inc. has created the PCA Call Package Guidelines RUF has been the greatest thing for my daughter to be involved in at school.