
Learn Spanish Phone Application

by on August 20, 2015
is a category inspired by you. Here and there readers write in with questions that are better served by the varied, experiential knowledge of those who read and contribute in the comments.   The following question is from Kasey E. “I am a former high school and middle school English teacher and the past two years I have been a substitute elementary school teacher. This year I am going to homeschool my 7 and 10-year-old boys. When my teacher friends heard I was going to start homeschooling, they gave me math and reading textbooks as well as access to an online curriculum they use for math, ELA and social studies. I have been using these materials and other free online resources to write lesson plans and planned out our year. I thought I was doing well in my planning, but I have noticed that every homeschool family I know purchases their curriculum. Because I’m no longer working, we don’t have extra money to spend on homeschooling books, workbooks or boxed curriculum. My question is, arethere families in the community that make up their own lesson plans and can homeschool by using free or inexpensive materials? Am I going about homeschooling the right way by writing my own plans or at some point will I need to start purchasing books/curriculum made for homeschooling?” This is one of the most frequent questions I receive as a homeschool blogger. I look forward to your answers. Share: Share this post: Comment:Post a comment:

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