
Learn Spanish Phrases

smelling Conjugation

Conjugating the Irregular Verb Oler = to smell – with the Spanish Verb Conjugator.

I have conjugated the verb Oler in three different tenses for you to practice and learn.

The three tenses are:

    Present Simple – Presente. Future Simple – Futuro Simple. Past Simple – Pretérito Imperfecto.

Smelling = to smell


I smell you smell it, it, you smell you smell it we smell them, they, you smell


I will smell you'll smell him, her, you will smell us oleremos you oleréis them, them, you will smell


I smelled you smelled it, it, you smelled you olíais we smelled them, they, you smell

If you wish to study more Irregular verbs in this site;

Alternatively you could try “the Verbarrator”.

It will take you rapidly on to fluency as a Spanish speaker.

Good luck with Learning Spanish.

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