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Preterite vs Imperfect - Past Tenses Quiz Please wait while the activity loads. If this activity does not load, try refreshing your browser. Also, this page requires javascript. Please visit using a browser with javascript enabled. If loading fails, click here to try again Start Congratulations - you have completed Preterite vs Imperfect - Past Tenses Quiz. You scored %%SCORE%% out of %%TOTAL%%. Your performance has been rated as %%RATING%% Your answers are highlighted below. Question 1 Choose between the preterite and imperfect tense of 'presentar' to fill the gap.   Anteayer la Comisión ________ tres propuestas.   The day before yesterday the Commission came forward with (presented) three proposals. A presentaba (imperfect) Hint: No, we're talking about a completed action here and 'anteayer' pinpoints a specific time so we need to use the preterite tense, presentó. B presentó (preterite) Question 1 Explanation:  Exactly, we're talking about a completed action here and 'anteayer'pinpoints a specific time so the preterite tense is perfect. Question 2 Choose between the preterite and imperfect tense of 'ir' to fill the gap.   Normalmente _____ a la playa pero hoy estuve enferma.   Normally I would go to the beach but today I was sick. A iría (imperfect) Hint: Yes, when you refer to habitual past actions the imperfect is the tense to use. This can often be translated as 'used to' or 'would'. B fui (preterite) Hint: No, here you are referring to a habitual past action rather than a one-off event so you should use the imperfect tense, iría. Question 3 Choose between the preterite and imperfect tense of 'vivir' to fill the gap.   Mientras ____________ en Nicaragua, aprendí a hablar español.   While we were in Nicaragua, I learnt to speak Spanish. A vivimos (preterite) Hint: No, the word 'mientras' highlights that we're talking about an unspecific time period here so you would use the imperfect, vivíamos. B vivíamos (imperfect) Question 3 Explanation:  Well done, theword 'mientras' highlights the fact that we're talking about an unspecific time period so the imperfect is the right tense to use. Question 4 Choose between the preterite and imperfect tense of 'ir' to fill the gap.   Un día _____ al museo.   One day I went to the museum. A iría (imperfect) Hint: No, this is not a habitual past event, it is a one-off event so you would use the preterite tense, fui. B fui (preterite) Question 5 Choose between the preterite and the imperfect of 'escribir' to fill the gap.   Ayer ________ una carta mi mamá.   Yesterday I wrote a letter to my mother. A escribí B escribía Hint: No, this is a one-off completed action so you would use the preterite. Ayer escribí una carta a mi mamá. Question 6 Choose between the preterite and imperfect tense of 'llegar' to fill the gap.   Ellos _____________ a las cinco de la tarde.   They arrived at 5pm. A llegaban (imperfect) Hint: No, 5pm is very time specific and refers to a completed past action, so you should use thepreterite tense, llegaron. B llegaron (preterite) Question 6 Explanation:  Well done, 5pm is very time specific and signals a one-off completed past action so the preterite is the right tense to choose. Question 7 Choose the preterite or imperfect past tense of caminar to fill the gap.   Ella ___________ por el parque.   She walked through the park. A caminó (preterite) B caminaba (imperfect) Hint: No, walking through the park can be viewed as a one-off, completed event so it would be better to use the preterite tense, caminó. Question 7 Explanation:  That's right, walking through the park can be seen as a one-off completed even, perfectly expressed with the preterite past tense. Question 8 Choose between the preterite and imperfect tense of 'comer' to fill the gap.   Esta mañana _______ huevos revuelto.   This morning I ate scrambled eggs. A comí (preterite) B comía (imperfect) Hint: No, this was a one-off completed action so you should use the preterite tense, comí. Question 8Explanation:  Exactly, this was a one off competed action which is shown by using the preterite tense. Question 9 Choose between the preterite and imperfect tense of 'soler' to fill the gap.   _____________ comer frijoles y tortillas todos los días.   We used to eat beans and tortillas every day. A solimos (preterite) Hint: No, the phrase 'todos los días' is very unspecific and refers to a habitual action so you should use the imperfect tense, solíamos. B solíamos (imperfect) Question 9 Explanation:  That's right. Todos los días is very unspecific and refers to habitual action so the imperfect tense is the right choice. Question 10 Choose between the preterite and the imperfect of 'escribir' to fill the gap.   Ayer _________ una carta a mi mamá cuando sonó el teléfono.   Yesterday I was writing a letter to my mother when the phone rang. A escribía B escribí (preterite) Hint: No, this time the letter writing is mentioned, not as a completed event' but as something that was going on inthe past, it sets the scene and the imperfect tense is just right for doing this. Escribía una carta a mi mamá cuando sonó el teléfono. Question 10 Explanation:  Yes, this is not a completed action in the past, instead it is an action that was going on in the past, it sets the scene so the imperfect is the right tense to do this. Question 11 Choose the preterite or imperfect past tense of 'ver' to fill the gap.   Lo _____ anoche.   I saw him last night. A veía (imperfect) Hint: No, seeing him was a completed past action and 'anoche' shows that it was completed within a specific time frame so the preterite would be a better choice. Lo vi anoche. B vi (preterite) Hint: Yes, seeing him was a completed past action and 'anoche' shows that it was completed within a specific time frame. Once you are finished, click the button below. Any items you have not completed will be marked incorrect. Get Results There are 11 questions to complete. ← List → Return Shaded items are complete. 1 2 3 4 5 67 8 9 10 11 End Return You have completed questions question Your score is Correct Wrong Partial-Credit You have not finished your quiz. If you leave this page, your progress will be lost. 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