
Learn Spanish Question Words


Welcome to Spanish I! Please refer to the tabs above for assignments, resources and other important announcements!

Mrs. Johnson

Course description:

Our goal  in all of our Spanish classes, is teach what are called the five Cs: Communication, Connections, Cultures, Comparisons, and Communities.  You can find a description of this here: 

In  Spanish 2A our goal is to have our students at the beginning level according to ACTFL (American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Language). 

In order to achieve this goal, Spanish students will be using the AVANCEMOS I textbook. This is a high school level textbook.   We are going to be learning a lot of new things this year and the pace is going to be rigorous.   Students will need to keep up on daily work as well as study their vocabulary on a regular basis in order to succeed.

Students in  Spanish I will learn the following:

1)   vocabulary  greetings;introductions;saying where you are from; numbers 0-100; after-school activities;snack foods and beverages; describing ourselves and others; daily schedules; telling time; describing classes; describing locations; expressing feelings; meals and food; asking questions; clothing; shopping; household items; furniture; sports; staying healthy; parts of the body ;daily routines and vacation plans.

2)   grammar concepts: subject pronouns, present tense verbs, ser vs estar, direct and indirect object pronouns and the preterite tense and commands.

3)   Cultures of the following countries: United States; México; Puerto Rico; Spain; Ecuador; Dominican Republic; Argentina and Costa Rica

All vocabulary and grammar topics are presented through content-based instruction () and culture based instruction ().  The means used in order to achieve language acquisition will be activities such as: songs, dance, games, online activities, videos, and skits.  Assessment will be through written and oral tests and quizzes, essays, as well as projects and skits.

Materials you will need to bring to class:

•A three-ring binder with loose paper and dividers

•notecards/ holder

•correcting pens/markers

• You Get one! textbook and workbook

•English /Spanish Dictionary at home

Spanish Grades:

Test and Quiz grades are earned through an absolute percentage scale.

100= A+

93-99 = A                               78-79 = C+     60-62 = D-

90-92 = 73-77 = A- C 0-59 = F /

88-89 = B+                              70-72 = C-      no credit

68-69 83-87 = B = D

63-67 80-82 = B = D


 1.  All MPA rules will be followed in class. For example: dress code, absences, tardies, plagiarism, gum chewing…)

2.  Try to speak as much español as possible!

3.  You must come to class prepared with books, notebooks and completed homework assignments. A late assignment will receive a reduction of 10% for each day it is late.

4. Please check the blog and test calendar regularly.

5.  Please speak with me if you need help or have any questions or concerns.

learn spanish 6th grade     learn 5000 spanish words