
Learn Spanish Rice

Download the syllabus here: 

Spanish I Syllabus

Instructor: Mrs. Griswold


The Spanish language will be the focus every day during class time. Expect to practice speaking and understanding Spanish during class time. Be willing to try your best every day, and remember, a positive attitude is essential to learning!

Students will perform in all 4 communication modalities (listening, reading, writing and speaking) in order to demonstrate their Spanish skills.

There is also online practice available through

Course Description

In this course, students will have the opportunity to speak, read, write, and listen to the Spanish language.

Course Objectives

The objective of this course is to move students from a novice-low ability to a novice-mid ability level, as expressed by the ACTFL proficiency pyramid. The USOE (Utah State Office of Education) has outlined 5 main objectives related to the learning of a foreign language. These 5 objectives include interpretive listening, interpretive reading, interpersonal communication, presentational speaking, and presentational writing. As students develop increased proficiency in these areas, they will advance in the ACTFL proficiency pyramid categories and be prepared for more advanced learning (e.g. Spanish II, III, etc.).

Class Expectations

*Be ready to learn.

*Be respectful of everyone in the learning environment.

*Be a participator in class learning and group assignments.

*Be positive.


Grades are earned through classwork, participation, homework, projects, quizzes, and tests. All classwork or homework that is not turned in will receive a 0 for a final grade.


50% – Classwork & Participation

25% – Tests & Projects

Students will have the option of arranging with their teacher to retake an exam they performed poorly on, but they may only receive 70% on the retake. They may not retake a test after the completion of the quarter in which the test was administered. Students will have the opportunity to make up one test at 100%.

Online translators are not to be used inappropriately on any project or assignment. Inappropriate use of these aides includes translating entire phrases, sentences, paragraphs, and so on. Doing so will result in loss of credit for the assignment, as it is easy to tell when students have misused these resources. Appropriate use of online translators includes looking up individual words, but students should try their best to complete their work without using an online translator.


learn spanish in 60 seconds     learn spanish 50 days