
Learn Spanish Rio De Janeiro

“What’s the best way to learn Spanish?” This is a question that I’m asked quite frequently. There are so many different methods of learning a new language that most people aren’t even sure where to start. Should they hire a tutor face-to-face? Attend a class in their city? Study through a free program? With so many choices, it can be tough to decide on just one.

The best way to learn Spanish, or any language, for that matter, is to completely immerse yourself in it. and spend months in an area where no one speaks English. You’re guaranteed to pick things up.

Obviously, not everyone can leave their home country and just immerse themselves in a new culture. If that’s not a possibility, the next best way to learn Spanish is to learn from a native speaker. Face to face is an excellent method, since you pick up a lot of subtle cues from body language and mouth position. Watching someone’s face as you try to learn the pronunciation of a new word will help immensely.

Again, not everyone has the option of hiring a native speaking teacher where they live. If you’re in a rural area and you don’t have access to classes with a native speaker, then you may find that it’s pretty tough to learn. An online teacher, via Skype, is a good choice for these situations, or even if you live in a larger city, but prefer to learn at home.

Why the Best Way to Learn Spanish is Face to Face

Think about a child. How do children learn to speak their native language? There’s no formal study or bookwork. Children learn from listening and watching the adults around them speaking. If you watch a baby who is just starting to babble and repeat language, he will stare at your lips as you enunciate a word.

While you’re older now, the same methods work. By watching your Spanish teacher’s face, you can see exactly how to form unfamiliar sounds and say the words. This can be a very difficult thing to do when you’re studying on your own.

Another big benefit from having a Spanish teacher to speak with is the immediate feedback. A child who pronounces a word wrong will hear the correct pronunciation until he is able to grasp it. The same works with your Spanish. Your teacher can correct you immediately, so you don’t end up with horrible pronunciation, only to discover how bad it is when you arrive in country and no one understands you!

Learning Spanish face to face, whether in person or online, with a live, native teacher, may not be the best way to learn Spanish. However, if you can’t actually get to the country you want to learn in, this is a fine second option.

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