Being an e-learning student in the technology era is not as easy as it may seem. Yes, information is everywhere, but the hardest thing is to select and filter data from the real one. Then, professors don’t accept content from the online environment, except from several academic websites. Not to mention that the curriculum is more and more difficult every year. Thus, students’ lives are even harder than before.
Fortunately, there are some IT whisperers in the world who have thought of helping students. They have developed tons of apps, online tools and websites meant to ease the studying process by organizing things, planning events, coming up with writing solutions, and so on. Below, we have chosen the best 15 tools and apps to boost your efficiency and productivity.
Do you need a fresh perspective or a new idea for your assignment? Then access this platform and be ready to find out amazing information on contemporary issues. The website contains videos with famous people from all around the world. They are specialists in different fields and they talk about nowadays threats. Moreover, users can also listen to motivational speeches hold by impressive individuals. These have succeeded to overcome tough life problems and are now an example for every one of us. Include these stories in the case study section, or in the real examples part.
Texts are not that easy as they seem, especially when students have to write them. Language has many traps and unfortunately, only an expert can spot them. Students can benefit from professional editing and proofreading services at Papers Gear. The editing and proofreading options are beneficial.
This website is amazing for fast learning – it provides users with tons of flashcards used by students to prepare for various exams. Even more, you can find out about new internship and job openings. In this way, it is easier to apply for positions adequate to your academic specialization.
Young people are so bad at waking up in the morning. But missing courses is not an option if you want to graduate successfully. This simple, but yet extremely annoying alarm does the trick – it won’t stop until you get out of bed!
Individuals feel more motivated to learn when they have studying buddies. This website hosts students from all around the world. They are organized into study groups for different subjects – mathematics, chemistry, literature, history and more.
Sport is an essential factor for a healthy mind. Yeah, yeah, you say you don’t have the necessary time, but this is just an excuse. This app has different exercises organized on lengths of time – do you want to practice for 5 minutes, 10 or 15? Choose a period and start moving!
Once you have completed a paper, it is essential to make sure that this one is nothing but perfect. The website allows users to hire editors ready to improve any kind of text. Submit the essay, ask for proofreading and editing, and start boosting your grades. Professors appreciate flawless texts.
Become 100% productive by taking advantage of every spare minute. Add some audio books on your player and listen to them whenever you have to wait for something. Also, it is a good idea to give your eyes a break.
Textbooks are extremely expensive. Fortunately, there is always a solution available – use this platform to sell and/or buy textbooks from other students. It is a win-win deal for everybody. The website is really easy to use; you don’t have to lose precious time with creating profiles or things like this.
Never fear to lose your documents again! SugarSync is here to save all your files and to synchronize them on all devices. It is indicated to have a safe copy for every paper, so use this platform and work wisely.
On this platform, users can look for the topic needed for courses and instantly get a concept map. With its help, they can create attractive studying materials. The concept map can be customized to meet any student’s preferences.
It is known that every time you decide to start learning or you are in class, the phone rings. This app is going to help users stay focused. Just input your schedule and relax – the phone will automatically be silenced in those intervals.
The online tool allows students to create personalized flashcards and notes. Additionally, once completed, they can be used from any device – phone, laptop or tablet. Now, there’s no reason to carry around tons of papers and courses. StudyBlue helps students learn from anywhere.
This is a Mac app that blocks all social media websites while users are studying. In this way, students can remain focused and efficient. Online distractions cannot get to them anymore! SelfControl is great especially for those who have dozens of chatty friends.
This is an organizing app that works with Apple products only. Users just have to input their events for the future and iStudiez Pro will display a smart schedule. Thus, students won’t miss any course or exam.
In conclusion, studentship is a difficult time and you need all the possible resources as to be 100% efficient. Use the tools presented above and stay on top of assignments and events.
Author’s info: Jessica Millis is an aspiring writer and editor and a visiting scholar at James Madison University (writing classes).