
Learn Spanish South Wales

I spent ten years in the 1990s teaching two or three club series a year (now called the ACBL Bridge Series) to adults in NYC (Greenwich Village) and really enjoyed it.  I did it as a ten lesson series, stretching the first lesson into two lessons to add more play time and including point count at the end of the new second lesson. I also took lesson five, finesses and opener’s rebids, and made it into two lessons. First I did opener’s rebids using the hands from lesson two in the diamond series. Then the following week, a bidding review, followed by finesses using the lesson five club series hands. Most adults find finesses very difficult so we needed to spend a lot of time on it.

In the early 2000s, I focused on teaching school-age children. Now that I have been working with kids, I think I would use some of the material from the Schools Bridge Manual with adults. Perhaps do a 12 lesson series with the first three or four lessons  (depending on the crowd) just playing cards using MiniBridge and BridgeIt. The last lesson could be a supervised play or competition or even teach them Stayman and refresh Notrump bidding.

Has anyone used the schools materials with adults? Any tips? Over the years a number of people have written me that they have used it for seniors.

And if you have never taken the or , do at least one if not both.

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