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When you live outside their country of origin feel closer to their country, at least that happens to me. Not that my land will miss just feel sorry for the plight of millions of people and especially young people like myself million.

In the last four days I have tried to understand a little why people take to the streets, why and also my vision of the situation. Whenever we talk of revolution, or rather, whenever I read or seen a revolution in the last anios it has been against someone, for example the case of the Arab countries ... OK, against who goes to #spanishrevolution? PP? PSOE? The current system?

The party that governs us is a leftist party, for my moderate left, often centrist and at other times very similar to PP. Therefore, if people are manifested by the system that governs us, it does so against PP and PSOE.

I hope that next 22M these same today are demonstrating and organizing for political HEAR not vote in PPSOE, would basically fools.

It is the revolution of the left? or right? It has political sign? The organizers and the manifesto of "Real Democracy Now" you can read:

Some consider ourselves progressive, others conservative. Some believers, some not. Some of us have clearly defined ideologies, others consider ourselves apolitical ... But we are all concerned and angry about the political, economic and social outlook which we see around us. Corruption of politicians, businessmen, bankers ... the helplessness of ordinary citizens.

After this introductory paragraph begin a series of paragraphs with the measures they believe they must change to be put in place real democracy Ya ... same. I will discuss some of the following paragraphs. I wanted to make it clear that the protest as such I like, I love that people get out there, now, I do not like the left leftist tinge of it, the same who wants more state to "" govern "" everyone, the same that has led us not to get out of a crisis which other Socialist countries have emerged.

The priorities of any advanced society must be equality, progress, solidarity, free access to culture, ecological sustainability and development, welfare and happiness of people

This first paragraph says exactly what the left wants and ignores my favorite word: freedom. Freedom "negative" means that the person is free of coercion, violence or impositions. It is true that solidarity is key in a society, but if we do not start from the freedom to be in solidarity none of this will result. I really like this.

There are some basic rights that should be covered in these societies: the right to housing, employment, culture, health, education, political participation, free personal development and consumer rights of the necessary goods for a healthy and happy life.

The right to housing and decent work for my non-discrimination means anyone who wants and can get your home or work.

The current functioning of our government and economic system does not meet these priorities and is an obstacle to the progress of humanity.

Obviously the current economic system is rubbish, is a full-fledged scheme Ponzzi ... here are many points to discuss, both macro and micro levels. This economy makes no sense.

The will and purpose of the system is the accumulation of money, primándola over the effectiveness and well-being of society. Wasting resources, destroying the planet, creating unemployment and unhappy consumers.

The system of accumulation of money (if indeed we had money, savings, would not be in this crisis😉�), you may refer here to non-DRY accumulation of wealth by all, not buy an apartment and then sell and speculate he…

These are my ideas, I think the movement we are living today is a huge opportunity to change things, do not know if will be history or just stay in a footnote of a book within 50 anios. What I do know is that if we start fighting we will have a better future together. For me the future, which I think, tends to liberalism than socialism.

Greetings and €

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