E is for…E-safety. It’s fun to use the internet for chatting to your friends and it’s useful for finding information for your homework. However it’s important to keep yourself safe when you’re online. First of all, always make sure that you keep your personal details such as address, phone number and photos, to yourself. If you use sites like Facebook, get an adult to check that you have it set up so that only your friends can see what you put on there. Never accept friend requests from people you don’t know.
Sometimes people might send you messages that make you feel hurt or upset, or post nasty things about you. This is still bullying, even if they don’t say it to you face. When things like this happen online it is called cyber-bullying. If this happens to you, the best thing to do is to ignore the comments rather than reply to them, and then to show or tell an adult.
Finally, remember that not everything you read on the internet is true. If you are trying to learn some facts then make sure you always check more than one website, or check the information in a book or with an adult to make sure that it is correct.
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