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“Easily New York’s best online resource for New York landlord-tenant case law, statutes, secondary authority, and a great deal more law . . . .” – Gerald Lebovits, N.Y. Real Property Law Journal Table of Contents

General Tenant’s Rights and Rent Regulation Information

  (New York State Attorney General) (pdf)   Information for rent-regulated tenants.   A comprehensive collection of tenants’ rights fact sheets and booklets.   (NYC Dept. of Housing Preservation and Development (pdf)   Information about available affordable housing, public housing, Section 8, evictions, and repairs, and information and resources for senior citizens and people with disabilities.   (NYS Consumer Protection Board [2002]). Includes model lease (pdf).   (NYS Division of Human Rights) (4.1 MB pdf). Also in .   Tables identifying key statutory provisions; links to additional resources.   Summaries and links to key state laws protecting tenants’ rights.   Tenant lawyer Steven De Castro’s guide to rent overcharges.

Tenant and Housing Organizations

City-Wide and State-Wide Organizations

  NYC’s oldest tenant organization.   Statewide advocacy for tenants and affordable housing.   Pro-tenant New York political action committee.   Coalition of tenants in over 100 buildings owned or managed by the Shalom/Ohebshalom family.

National Organizations

  A national housing law and advocacy center focused on affordable and subsidized housing.   ”Dedicated solely to to achieving socially just public policy that assures people with the lowest incomes in the United States have affordable and decent homes.”   Resources for advocates including and the .


  Serves (Morris Park, Pelham Parkway, Bronxdale, Van Nest, Laconia).   Serves the northwest Bronx.


  Serves Brighton Beach.   Serves Cypress Hills.   Serves lower Park Slope and South Brooklyn.   Serves Bushwick.   Serves Sunset Park.   Serves Fort Greene, Clinton Hill and Bedford Stuyvesant.   Serves Williamsburg and Greenpoint.


  Serves 14th to Delancey Streets east of Bowery/3rd Ave.   Serves 14th to Delancey Streets east of Bowery/4th Ave. and public housing residents on East Side below 14th St.   Serves Chelsea.   Serves Hell’s Kitchen/Clinton.   Serves the Upper East Side.   Serves Washington Heights and Inwood.   Serves the Upper West Side.   Serves the Lower East Side.


  Serves western Queens.   Serves Far Rockaway area.   Serves Queens.

Staten Island

  Serves Port Richmond.


Some of the following organizations provide assistance to tenants:

of the . of the , a citywide federation of settlement houses. receiving DHCR grant assistance.

Individual Building/Owner Research

(Ownership, management, violations, taxes, etc.)   Enter address to see building-level map and find online property information and more.   One-stop access to public records, maps, etc. Unofficial, not always up-to-date, but very convenient.   NYC Dept. of Housing Preservation and Development (HPD) – Building registration and violations.   Building permits, violations, certificates of occupancy, etc.   Property transfer records (deeds, mortgages, etc.). NYC Dept. of Finance – Property Tax Assessment Records: or .   (see also this ).   Database of buildings registering with DHCR at least once from 1984-present. from 2007 DHCR building registrations.   2007 annual report containing data on all DHCR- and HPD-supervised Mitchell-Lama developments.   Multiple databases covering buildings with a variety of HUD project-based subsidies. (Real Estate Brokers and salespersons) (Notaries, barbers, hearing aid dispensers, etc.)

New York City Government Agencies

  The official directory of the City of New York.   Public and subsidized housing   The enforcement officers of the NYC Civil Court.

New York State Government Agencies

  State government information in the official directory of the City of New York. NYS Department of State – Real Estate and Licensing   (FOIL, Open Meetings, Privacy)

Elected Officials

  Look up elected representatives for any NYC address (League of Women Voters of the City of New York).   (League of Women Voters of the City of New York).

Housing Court (Housing Part, New York City Civil Court)

  Site highlights:

  By the New York City Bar Association, Housing Court Public Service Projects Committee (pdf).   Online tool helps rent stabilized or NYCHA public housing tenants prepare an answer to a nonpayment petition.   By the NYC Civil Court (pdf).

  Statute establishing and governing the NYC Civil Court. (Also on [see ])   Statute establishing the Housing Part of the NYC Civil Court. Answers to frequently asked questions about Housing Court cases. (Formerly the City-Wide Task Force on Housing Court)

, for self-represented tenants.

By . By the .

For court decisions, see .

Other New York State Courts

  The NYS Unified Court System’s website for self-represented litigants.   By the NYC Civil Court. : ; .

Index number, index number purchase date, and caption information are available for all cases for which an index number was purchased since about 1972. For more recent cases, County Clerk minutes, appearance information, scanned pleadings, RJIs, notices of motion, stipulations, orders and judgments and decisions are available (see also the system). (pdf).
See also

  Case status, motions, and appearances for Supreme Court cases assigned to a judge from 1986 to present. (Record Press) (Record Press) (Record Press)


Free Legal Services Providers

  Use this web site first to find offices serving your area and type of problem! New York City Bar Association and   Serves all of NYC.   Programs and offices city-wide.   Programs and offices city-wide.

(use to determine which office serves your area). Legal Services NYC offices:

  Serves Brooklyn.   Serves people between the ages of 12 and 21 city-wide.   Serves 42nd – 72nd Streets from 5th Ave. to East River, Roosevelt Island.   Serves 34th – 72nd Streets west of 8th Ave.   Serves 59th to 96th Streets from 5th Ave. to East River, Roosevelt Island.   Area served varies by program.   Serves Washington Heights and Inwood.   Serves SRO tenants on West Side north of 14th Street and apartment tenants living between 100-110th Streets from Broadway to Central Park West.

Private Tenant Attorneys

(Links are not advertisements by, endorsements of, or referrals to any attorney or law firm.)

  (co-ops, condos, Mitchell-Lama) , Karlsson & Ng, P.C. (email link only) (email link only) (email link only) (email link only) (lofts)

Includes all attorneys admitted in New York State, with business address, telephone number, year of admission to the New York bar, judicial department of admission, law school attended, and registration status.

Public and Charitable Assistance Resources

  Coordinates referrals for rent arrears assistance through the Emergency Rent Coalition.   Public bnefits counseling and eviction prevention services. By EarnBenefits Online By EarnBenefits Online

Legal Research Resources

General Legal Research and Citation Guides

  ”An Online Encyclopedia for Legal Researchers,” courtesy of LexisNexis.   The official legal citation and style authority for NY state courts.

Free Online Legal Research Resources – Court & Agency Decisions

The Law Reporting Bureau, the official reporter and publisher of New York state court decisions, maintains two free online decision archives, plus other useful resources:
   Court of Appeals, Appellate Division, and Appellate Term decisions plus lower court decisions selected for official (print or ) publication. searches archives from about Nov. 2003-present; also available. The most current and complete source for recently issued appellate decisions.
Get a New York Slip Opinion (late 2003-present) by Citation:   Enter Slip Opinion Number (omit “(U)” suffix): OR:
  Free, searchable database including all officially published or abstracted New York state court decisions from January 1, 1980 through the most recent Advance Sheets (for most recent decisions, see New York Slip Opinion Service, above).
Get a New York Official Reports Service Decision (1980-recent) by Citation:   Enter Citation:   (If user agreement screen appears, click “I Agree” and “Continue” to log in, then return to this page and click the “Search” button above again.)

  Find the Official Reports “cite-as” case name for New York state court decisions by entering the citation, or find the Official Reports citation for New York state court decisions by party name(s).

  Search officially reported and recent unreported decisions of all New York State courts, Federal courts, and other state courts.

Loislaw (): Search officially reported or abstracted decisions of or search by court:

More case law searches:
New York State Unified Court System:
(2001-present) : Retrieve New York Supreme Court decisions by index number

(NOTE: Link accessible via courthouse WiFi network or LAN)

An old collection of DHCR PAR decisions (1990-1994 only) is online at WARNING & DISCLAIMER: Other content posted on “” may be inaccurate and/or outdated.

  Search by docket number for status of a case filed with the DHCR Office of Rent Administration. See also

  (Loft Board, OATH, ECB, Buildings, BSA, Planning, etc.)

See also , and .

Free Online Legal Research – Laws and Regulations

New York State Laws   (New York State Legislature)
The most current source for official statutory text. Includes New York State Constitution, Consolidated Laws, Unconsolidated Laws, and Court Acts. Retrieve a New York State statute or NYC Administrative Code section ( Enter 3-letter chapter abbreviation and section number as shown, with no spaces): Abbreviations for frequently used statutes (see for others): ADC New York City Administrative Code CVP Civil Practice Law & Rules GOB General Obligations Law JUD Judiciary Law MDW Multiple Dwelling Law CCA New York City Civil Court Act PVH Private Housing Finance Law RPP Real Property Law RPA Real Property Actions & Proceedings Law RPT Real Property Tax Law

Unannotated, searchable version provided by the
New York State Landlord-Tenant Law   Summaries and links to key state laws protecting tenants’ rights. (Laws of NY) (Also on [see ]) (Laws of NY) (Also on [see ]) (Special Proceedings for Appointment of an Administrator) (Laws of NY) (Also on [see ]) (Laws of NY) (Also on [see ])
Rent Stabilization   (Unofficial, hyperlink-enhanced version)

Rent Control (Laws of NY)  (Also on [see ])   Regulations governing NYC rent control (Unofficial, hyperlink-enhanced version, current through most recent amendments effective October 2005).

Procedures governing the execution of warrants of eviction.

State- and City-Subsidized Housing – Laws and Regulations The “Mitchell-Lama Law.” (Laws of NY) (Also on [see ]) (Laws of NY) (Also on [see ]) (Title 9 NYCRR, subtitle S, ch IV, subch C, part 1727) (Loislaw ) (Free source: ) (Loislaw ) (Free source: ) (pdf)
Court Acts and Rules of Procedure (Laws of NY)
The statute governing civil procedure in the New York state courts. (Also on [see ].)
Statutory provisions governing summary eviction proceedings. (Also on [see ].)

(Laws of NY)

The statute establishing and governing the NYC Civil Court. (Also on [see ])
. Also on and . . Also on .

Statute establishing the Housing Part of Buffalo City Court

Federal Laws and Regulations United States Code
Browse, download, or search text from:

(Federal Trade Commission)

Federal law governing consumer reporting agencies, including providers of tenant screening information.

(Federal Trade Commission)

Federal law governing debt collectors, including attorneys demanding rent.

Landlord-Tenant Law Treatises

Finkelstein and Ferrara, Landlord and Tenant Practice in New York

(account required) Available at:
, and County Supreme Court Law Libraries

Scherer, Residential Landlord-Tenant Law in New York

(account required) . Available at and most .

Dolan, Rasch’s New York Landlord and Tenant, Including Summary Proceedings

(account required) . Available at and all .

Lebovits, et al., New York Residential Landlord-Tenant Law and Procedure

(see ) .

Gallet, (Gould’s) New York Landlord and Tenant Handbook

. Available at , , and the and County Supreme Court Law Libraries.

HUD Housing Programs: Tenants’ Rights, 3rd ed., published by the

A comprehensive treatise on HUD-subsidized public and private housing. Available at the , call number KF5729 .H83 2004.

Public Law Libraries and Collections

(NOTE: Link accessible via UCS courthouse WiFi network or LAN)

(for New York City reports and publications)

All of New York City’s and most of its university libraries are and several are designated by the as New York State Documents Reference Centers. These libraries must make deposited federal and state materials freely available to the public pursuant to the and the . Library patrons using government document collections might have access to other research material and databases, depending on library policies. .

Periodicals and Publications

  Monthly, bilingual newspaper for tenants from . “New York’s Urban Affairs News Magazine”   Bimonthly publication of the .

and content by only. Full text for vols. 1-35 (1967-2002) avaiable on (access with account or NY City Bar member ).

  Daily news website covering New York City issues.   Unofficial source for New York landlord-tenant decisions. Annual volumes issued 1983-current. Available at:

  Citations and digest notes for recent landlord-tenant decisions.   Monthly publication of the .

Current issues and recent back issues by only. Free online.

  Print only.

written or co-authored by , Housing Court Judge, New York City Civil Court.

  Weekly bulletin of the .

  Website content by subscription only.
Articles, “ ,” and other selected decisions from April 1990, and all decisions from January 2009 through day before current date, may be available via Lexis at some .
Articles, “ ,” and other selected decisions from 9/11/2001, and all decisions from January 2009 until one week before current date, available via at:
Microfilmed back issues available at:
, and Supreme Court (Public Access) Law Libraries
Landlord-tenant decisions 1983- reprinted in the subscription-only , available at:

  ”The Journal of Affordable Housing and Community Building,” published bimonthly by the .

; full-text search.   Online selection of titles pertaining to housing and community development and related issues.

  Landlord-oriented newsletters and digests published in print and online:

. (Available at .)

See also below

Special Housing Types

Mitchell-Lama and Limited Dividend Housing

  2007 annual report containing data on all DHCR- and HPD-supervised Mitchell-Lama developments. The “Mitchell-Lama Law.” (Laws of NY) (Also on [see ]) (Laws of NY) (Also on [see ]) (Title 9 NYCRR, subtitle S, ch IV, subch C, part 1727) (Loislaw) (Free source: ) (Loislaw) (Free source: ) (pdf)

(also available )

     2004 report by NYC Comptroller (pdf) (pdf); announcing audit report.

HUD-Subsidized Multifamily Housing (Project-based Section 8, Section 236, etc.)

.   ”A multi-cultural, tenant-controlled alliance of tenant organizations in privately-owned, multifamily HUD-assisted housing.”   Information and advocacy for tenants of project-based subsidized housing.

CSS offers a telephone help line and individual representation for federally subsidized housing residents and applicants, and provides training & technical assistance for community-based organizations.

NYCHA Public Housing


The CSS Center For Benefits and Services offers a telephone help line and individual representation for federally subsidized housing residents and applicants, and provides training & technical assistance for community-based organizations.
(Pdf) (pdf) (pdf) (pdf)


A fact sheet by MFY Legal Services. Also available in .


A fact sheet by MFY Legal Services. Also available in .

  (signup required)

Section 8 Leased Housing

  (signup required) NYC Department of Housing Preservation and Development (HPD) – Section 8 Program information for and . , effective March 1, 2010.   (signup required)

TAP offers a telephone help line and individual representation for federally subsidized housing residents and applicants, and provides training & technical assistance for community-based organizations.

Other City- and State-Subsidized Affordable Housing

  Rent subsidy programs formerly administered by the .

  NYC HDC finances and administers the following programs:


HFA finances and administers 80/20, All Affordable, and other affordable housing programs, and allocates federal Low Income Housing Tax Credits.


(Laws of NY) (Also on [see ]) (see also recent )

SRO Hotels

(DHCR Advisory Opinion 87-2)   Serves SRO tenants on West Side north of 14th St.   Serves SRO tenants citywide except West Side north of 14th St.   Serves SRO tenants who reside on the East Side or anywhere below 14th Street.

Co-ops, Condos, and Conversion Issues

The following materials are available from the :

(includes co-op conversion regulations)

Special Populations

Senior Citizens

  From the NYS Attorney General   Rent increase exemption for tenants in rent controlled or rent stabilized housing.   Rent/carrying charge increase exemption for tenants in Mitchell-Lama, Limited Dividend, Redevelopment, Housing Development Fund and Section 213 cooperative housing companies.   Resources for addressing clutter and hoarding problems, from Cornell University Weill Medical College & the NYC Hoarding Task Force

Young People

  Counsel and advocacy services in civil matters to people between the ages of 12 and 21.

People With Disabilities


  (pdf). Also in . . Also in .

  Information about accessible apartments located throughout New York State.

People With HIV/AIDS

  Serves New York City residents living with HIV/AIDS   Serves HIV-positive residents of Manhattan and the Bronx   Serves Bronx residents living with HIV/AIDS (NYS Department of Health) (NYS Division of Human Rights)

Domestic Violence Victims

Resources for domestic violence survivors seeking safe, affordable housing in New York City. (South Brooklyn Legal Services)

Other Links Pages

(Hofstra University School of Law) (Association for Neighborhood and Housing Development) A comprehensive resource guide by the Columbia University Libraries.

* Loislaw links are accessible to attorneys admitted in New York State who register for a free . Registration provides free off-site access to the State Library’s wide range of .

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