
Learn Spanish Tank Game

Ms. Moccio's

Spanish IB Support Site

8th Grade


Welcome to Spanish class. We'll have a wonderful school year. It is important to study each day. I know that all will learn a lot and be successful this year.

This course is the second half of Spanish I.  We will review Spanish IA (7th gr.) and continue to review/learn a variety of vocabulary, grammatical and cultural topics.  We will focus on the 4 modes of communication: Listening, Reading, Speaking, and Writing.  There is a final exam at the end of the year.  Students must pass the course and the final exam to receive a High School credit.

Parents/Guardians:  Please check the Parent Portal for your children’s grades regularly.

 Extra Help-C138

Monday & Thursday Mornings 8:15am

 Supplies needed daily: 

One & a half inch binder, loose-leaf paper, blue workbook, 6 dividers, blue or black pens, pencils, 3 different colored highlighters, plastic sheet protectors

Useful Spanish Websites

Quizlet Website:      Use this website for additional practice through activities and games.

For Web Site:

  Use your QUIA username and password to log onto QUIA. If you forget or lose your QUIA username and password, e-mail me. Use Quia for vocabulary and grammar practice. Take assigned quizzes on QUIA to help practice for assessments!

8th Grade Text Book:

  Provides access to the online text book for 8th grade. The user name is CTVBOOKB, the password is 9tlab7lu. Besides access to the online text, you can play online games and do self-check quizzes for each unit.

Spanish Dictionary: This site provides a dictionary and verb conjugator as well as other good resources.
Verb Conjugator:
 This web site will conjugate any Spanish verb in any tense.
Spanish Resources for Different Levels:
This web site offers free resources for kids learning Spanish including games and activities for vocabulary, videos, and cultural information.
For Parents This link to the New York State Association of Foreign Language Teacher’s web page for Parents is loaded with resources for parents: Link to article on the benefits of having a bilingual brain:  NEW ARTICLE:   The New  Is Bilingualism Really an Advantage?  

learn spanish in 8 weeks     learn spanish 50 flashcards