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English Sentence Structure Formation

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What is a Sentence? A sentence is a set of words that tells a complete thought, typically containing a subject and predicate, conveying a statement, question, exclamation or command. It starts with a capital letter and ends with a full stop (.), question mark (?) or exclamation mark (!). Types of sentences When people form sentences, they do many things. They make statements or requests. They ask questions. They exclaim a powerful feeling or emotion. There are four types of sentences that are normally used in the English language. They are declarative (affirmative or positive), interrogative, imperative, and exclamatory. These types of sentences help us express and convey all our thoughts and feelings to others when used in written as well as oral communication. Let’s learn about the sentences and its general form clearly. 1. Declarative sentences: Declarative sentences are used to convey information and we always use them far more often than the other of sentences (interrogative,imperative, and exclamatory). In a declarative sentence, the subject normally precedes the predicate. It ends with a full stop (.). Formation: Subject Verb Rest of the sentence (object Adverb Adjective Complement) I learn English at home. Let us see the negative form. Negative sentence: A negative sentence is one indicating something is untrue or incorrect. In English grammar, negative sentence is created by adding the negative words (no or not) after the auxiliary verb in the positively stated sentence. It changes based on the tenses that are being used. Formation: Subject AV+Not Verb Rest of the sentence (object Adverb Adjective Complement) I do not learn English at home. 2. Interrogative Sentence: An interrogative sentence is a type of sentence which usually asks a question and it ends with a question mark. They typically begin with a question words such as what, why, or how, or an auxiliary verb such as do, does, did, can or would. Types There are two types ofinterrogative sentences. Yes/No Interrogatives Yes/No questions usually will be answered by yes or no. Formation: AV Subject Verb Rest of the sentence (object Adverb Adjective Complement)? Do you learn English at home? Wh- Interrogatives or Information Questions Information questions are used to ask about specific kinds of information. Information questions are also called Wh questions because many of the words that are used to ask this type of question begin with Wh-. Formation: QW AV Subject Verb Rest of the sentence (object Adverb Adjective Complement)? Where do you learn English? 3. Imperative sentences: Imperative sentences are the sentences, which express commands, advice, and suggestions. The second person ‘you’ is always addressed in the imperative sentences. For example: Come here! it down! 4. Exclamatory Sentence A type of sentence that expresses strong feelings by making an exclamation. It ends with an exclamation mark (!). You might use it to show anger,confusion, love, happiness, or any other active emotion. Here are some examples: No, you cannot do this! (anger) I don’t want to go to her house! (frustration) I scored three goals at the soccer game! (happiness) I can’t find the key! (confusion) I love you! (love) I am going to my native! (elation) I have shared the best method to construct the sentences in all tenses. Have a look at the sentences formation for the below tenses. I am sure you will really enjoy this way.

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