
Learn Spanish Toys

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A fun and culturally enriching and unique program for PK-8th graders that combines Spanish language with outdoor and physical education. Students learn Spanish through games, play, dance, spots and outdoor adventures that include:

  • educational walks and hikes
  • exploration (on foot) of their campus or nearby community and its cultural and natural resources – this may include learning about the plants and animals that co-exist amongst humans and those that may have lived there prior to human development.
  • art activities that can be carried out outdoors. This may include temporary art installations such as chalk murals and land art (i.e. stone towers, mandalas made of twigs, etc). Photos will help capture these art projects for parents.  A permanent mural is also possible if the site has a wall to offer the class (or a large piece of plywood that can be screwed to a wall).
  • dance, music, songs, poetry, and play acting
  • lots of games and play-based activities (age-appropriate)
  • journaling/scrapbooking

As with all Conexiones programs, activities aim to introduce children to new Spanish vocabulary, while at the same time connecting them to nature, cultural diversity, the arts and community while teaching them 21st Century Skills such as a second language, creativity and Earth stewardship.

This program is inspired by , which ¨understands that students´ local community is one of the primary resources for learning,¨ as well as , , and

Children of all levels of Spanish can participate. Beginners are exposed to the language in an experiential way and advanced students have the opportunity to practice their Spanish and expand their vocabulary.

This program follows a student-led curriculum whereas the students make a list of all the things they think is fun to do and the teacher plans games, activities and lessons based on this list.

Request this year-round through your school, after school program, community center or homeschooling coop!  Introduce them to us and we will do the rest to bring this class to your community!  Class length can be tailored to your bell schedule (50-120 minutes).   Families can also join an existing program with current openings* – latecomers welcome!  

*Some sites with current openings:

    Jefferson ES in North Berkeley for K-2nd graders (2:30-5:20pm every Friday – ongoing until 6/10/16). Washington ES in Berkeley for 1st-2nd graders (2:25-5:20pm every Friday – ongoing until 6/10/16). Kensington Community Center for 3rd-6th graders (2:25-3:40pm every Friday (1/04/16-3/18/16).

Please fill out contact form below to receive more information:

learn spanish in 6 weeks     learn spanish for free online