1069 Elno Avenue Kent, Ohio 44240
Phone: (330) 676-8350 FAX: (330) 676-8355
Janice Swan – Principal
Jodi Wages -Secretary
Picture coming soon…
Vision Statement
All Longcoy students will learn…whatever it takes.
Longcoy Mission Statement
- We believe each child is a unique individual and learner. Children learn best in a safe environment with caring people.
- We believe the primary focus of school is to engage students in meaningful work based on the Ohio Academic Content Standards.
- We believe it is the responsibility of the school, home and community to meet individual student’s academic, social, and emotional needs.
- We believe that a family, school, and community partnership contributes to the development of life long learners and responsible citizens.
- We believe a well-trained staff is important for students to achieve.