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Our Mission

Live Oak Classical School strives to equip students to love God with all their hearts, souls, and minds (Matt. 22:37). We draw on the classical tools of learning to prepare students to reason clearly, communicate effectively, and act responsibly in the world–all for the glory of God.

The School

Live Oak Classical School is a comprehensive fourteen year school offering grades Jr. Kindergarten through 12th grades. We currently enroll 374 students in those grades which comprise the Grammar School JK-6th, Logic School 7th -9th, and Rhetoric School 10th-12th.   Live Oak Classical School is accredited by The Southern Association of Colleges and Secondary Schools. The faculty of over forty degreed (many with Master’s Degrees) professionals have high levels of enthusiasm and expertise in their subject fields or early childhood education, and hearts that are inclined toward children.  The students at Live Oak Classical School are average to above average in ability, but more importantly are enthusiastic about pursuing a challenging and rich academic curriculum. Live Oak was established in the hope of an ecumenical community that affirms the essentials of Christian faith but allows for the agreeable representation of many denominations. We are pleased that our school has over fiftydifferent churches represented by the current families.

The Curriculum

The academic program is guided by two primary forces – an adherence to the classical tradition of education and a desire to teach students to think Christianly about all subjects.  Live Oak Classical School embraces the liberal arts and scientific arts of classical education in grammar, logic, and rhetoric schools.  Education should not be indoctrination, but rather the equipping of students to love God with all their minds (Matt. 22:37), to ask probing questions and to fearlessly explore arenas of knowledge from the conviction that all truth is ultimately God’s truth. Live Oak Classical School is a learning community where children are trained to know, love and practice that which is true, good and beautiful. We want to integrate faith and learning in meaningful ways so that the spiritual and intellectual spheres are seamless.  We want to encourage ecumenical environment where denominational traditions are appreciated. Most notably, students here enjoy a curriculum that emphasizesgreat literature and a chronological study of history. Singapore Math and hands-on sciences challenge students. Spanish, Latin, drama and training in art and music (including composers and artist studies) side with competitive athletics, technology and SAT prep to create a well-rounded curriculum. Weekly chapel fosters unity by emphasizing common convictions in Christ and learning from our diversity.

Core Values

Christian Worldview

  • Integrate faith and learning in meaningful ways
  • Encourage ecumenical environment by affirming the essentials of Christianity and celebrating traditions of different denominations.

Classical Method

  • Embracing all the liberal arts of classical education JK-12 in grammar, logic, and rhetoric schools
  • Teaching the arrangement of words into clear statements and how those statements refer to reality as the grammar of each area of study
  • Teaching how statements consistently relate to one another as the logic of an academic discipline
  • Teaching how to winsomely persuade people by crafted rhetoric.
  • Using quality literature, great texts, primary sources, living history, scientific experimentation, mathematical word problems, nature studies, composer and artist studies, studio art, music, drama, Latin, Spanish, logic, rhetoric, Bible, physical education, athletics

Charlotte Mason Influence

  • Expanding scope and influence of Charlotte Mason’s educational philosophies -exploration of delight, wonder, and beauty; education as an environment, cultivation of the habits of discipline into overall program offering
  • Being mindful of the philosophy of relating to children as ‘gifts’ or ‘persons’ and faithful to the technique of narration.
  • Fostering love of learning by drawing students into experiencing and discovering living ideas in the materials
  • Create challenging classroom experiences with rich curricula that do not rely too heavily on homework

Cultivation of Resources

  • Creating scholarship opportunities to make LOCS affordable and maintain student body diversity
  • Increasing ethnic, racial, economic diversity of students, faculty and board
  • Being mindful of planning a school which has longevity and cultivating a legacy
  • Establishing policies for budgets, teacher salaries, tuition discounts/remission and financial aid/scholarships consistent with our school’s ethos


  • Instilling a sense of citizenship in students through character-building and leadership opportunities; create good habits and espouse good virtues; reinforce notions of responsibility and community involvement.
  • Providing clear expectations and rules for disciplined behavior
  • Providing service opportunities for students of all ages

Our Name

Live Oak Classical School was chosen as the name for the first classical school in Central Texas for its multi-faceted meaning. First, appreciation for God’s creation and our responsibility as stewards foundationally underlie our approach to education. Therefore, the school bears the name of the indigenous Texas tree, which also signifies that a Christian classical school is a natural outgrowth of our area. The “Live” in Live Oak Classical bears two meanings: firstly, Charlotte Mason, a classical educator who is very influential for the school, was a great proponent of children spending time in nature and focusing on “living” books; secondly, we hope to awaken children’s minds to an abundant life made possible by a fully integrated Christian worldview. Also key in the selection of the name was a Biblical image from Isaiah. 61:3b “So they will be called oaks of righteousness, the planting of the Lord, that He may be glorified.” Providing rich educational soil for students to grow deepspiritual roots, far-reaching academic branches, and bountiful leaves of worthy endeavors is the vision of Live Oak Classical School.

Our Crest & Motto

The crest for Live Oak Classical School is a beautifully designed wreath of leaves heralding back to the Greek and Roman sign of honor. On the wreath is our Latin motto “fides quaerens intellectum,” which means “faith seeking understanding.” This quote is from St. Anselm of the 11th Century, who recognized the harmony and value of a relationship between faith and understanding, not the divorce of the sacred and secular that we see today. The oak tree’s seed, an acorn, is located in the center of the wreath just as children are placed in Live Oak for their development academically, spiritually, and socially. This acorn is emblazoned with a cross on the front to symbolize that it is Christ’s work which will produce growth. In the back of the acorn, one can see rays of glory splaying in all directions to represent that the work Christ has done will not be hidden within the student or the school, but will shine out to the community to show forth the glory of God.

Our School Anthem

“Oaks of Righteousness”

Verse 1:

Fides quaerens intellectum Fill our hearts and train our minds So in wisdom and in stature We may grow by Thy grace divine


As oaks of righteousness Standing resolute May our roots grow deep In the soil of God’s own Truth Oaks of righteousness Let this be our plea – As we learn and serve May we honor Thee

Verse 2:

Fides quaerens intellectum Love the Lord with all thy mind Knock and it shall be opened unto you If ye seek then ye shall find

Words and music by Carolyn Still December 2003 For Live Oak Classical School

Affiliations & Accreditation

Live Oak Classical School is a member of the Society for Classical Learning and the Texas Colloquium of Classical Schools. Live Oak Classical school is accredited by AdvancedEd/SACS (Southern Association of Colleges and Schools).

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