
Learn Spanish West Palm Beach

The Courses – MEDICAL LANGUAGE – One on one

MEDICAL LANGUAGE One on one format Starting dates: every weekday Duration: min 10 hours Lessons: 1 to 5 per day, 5 to 25 per week. Schedule is decided  between secretariat and student Skill levels: from the 1st ability level on. Good knowledge of healthcare is required. Class size: one Medical Spanish Course Special spanish language course divided into 5 levels. Each level lasts 10 hours (each hour = 60 minutes). It is directed to all people involved with this special-need field, in particular to all health-care professionals who, for any reason, are working with (or who are interested in working with) Spanish patients and/or medical practitioners. The course is held all year around, starting any working day of the week, 1-5 hours per day, minimum 1 level (10 hours). This spanish course is organized on a one-to-one student/teacher ratio and a personalized schedule. Any student may decide how many hours per day, how many days per week, how many weeks he or she wants to study. Themaximum is 50 hours (5 levels).To enroll in this course, the student needs a minimum of intermediate-level Spanish and a good knowledge of healthcare in their mother language. Starting dates and schedule are custom and arranged between school and student with a minimum pre-enrollment of 2 weeks.     New Option! Lunch with Medical Spanish teacher If you wish, the lessons can also be organized to include lunch with your teacher. Thus you are able to continue practicing the new language during the lunch-break. Quotation on request Lunch with the Medical Spanish Teacher    Image courtesy of   Stock Photo – image ID: 100209404  

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