
Learn Spanish Williamsburg

Over the past three months, I’ve had the honour and pleasure of presenting a weekly general-interest science lecture for , who have been offering speaker series’ since 1976.

From astronomy to medical science, to paleontology, to materials science, to research oddities, to Canada’s biggest science projects and beyond, we looked at some of the most fascinating aspects of the universe of discovery.

Peter, Learning Unlimited's Bob Lee, and another participant perform "robotic heart surgery" on a bowl of Jell-O during Extreme Makeover: Medical Robot Edition week

Here below – mostly for participants of the series, but also for anyone else interested – are links to some of the hundreds of things we looked at from January to March of 2012:

Weird Science (January 10)

flying saucer-mobile


Atomic Car concept



on Mars

Jupiter’s moons and

Saturn’s Moon

The (that we know of)

(i.e. “Water Bears”: the most indestructible-known-animals)

The alive today

(Peter’s blog post based on this part of his lecture)

Dinosaur Season in Canada (January 17)

(and )

When did they live and what did they do?

 (animatronic dinosaur park near Edmonton) 

Scary Science (January 24)

and as household products

(Nuts! Who knew it was poisonous…?)

The infamous 

 (and )

(and other ways to die in outer space)

Extreme Medical Robot Makeover (January 31)

“It seemed like a good idea . . .” Fumbles and Failures in Science (February 7)

(it actually remains a good idea)




Will we ever have “ ?
(& guest speaker )

Science Road Trip 2012 (February 14)


– on earth

 – Land of the Vikings




in Cochrane Ontario



The (particle accelerator)


, Drumheller, Alberta Badlands

(animatronic dinosaur park near Edmonton)

British Columbia

University of Victoria’s


museum, Whitehorse, YK

, Dawson City, YK

, Baffin Island

Zero to 24,000 in 60 Seconds: Transportation’s Next Big Thing (February 21)

– the largest pasengerliner in the world

(video – description text is in Spanish, video is in English)

The New Astronomy: Stargazing in an Age of Light Pollution (February 28)

Traditional Knowledge in the Modern World (March 6)

Canada’s Biggest Science Projects (March 13)

All about

The  (particle accelerator)

University of Victoria’s 

About the presenter:

(toys, gear & gadgets) , at Dufferin & 401 (the store with the giant telescope on the roof)

Specific products:

Don’t see something here you wanted to know about? Drop Peter a note below and ask to have it posted!

Link to this post!

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