
Learn Spanish With Dora

The vocabulary for classroom objects, los objetos de la clase, may be very useful especially if you are in school or if you are planning to study Spanish in a classroom in the future. In this lesson you will read and listen to several examples using the vocabulary for the items in a classroom. Besides we will make use of vocabulary and grammar structures we have covered in previous lessons such as , , definite articles and . Let’s begin…

A list of classroom objects in Spanish: vocabulary and pictures

Two common ways to say classroom objects in Spanish are "Articles of classroom" and "The objects of the class." We will begin by looking at a picture container containing Several of These items. We will see them in sentences later to hear Their pronunciation and How They Could be used in actual contexts.

Making sentences with the things in the classroom in Spanish

The first group of examples with classroom objects will make use of (preposiciones de lugar) such as SOBRE (on), DEBAJO DE (under), ENCIMA DE (over), DENTRO DE (in or inside), FUERA DE (out or outside) y DETRÁS DE (behind). They have been covered in a previous lesson, but as a reminder they are used with the forms ESTÁ (one object) and ESTÁN (several objects) of , eg. “El libro está debajo de la silla” [object estar preposition object]. We will also see demonstrative adjectives like ESE, ESA and so on in use as well as (EL, LA…) before many of these items.

Some sentences using classroom objects in Spanish DESK - The book is on the yellow desktop The book is on the yellow desk MESA - The book is under the orange / orange table The book is below the orange table MAP - This green map is on wall. That map is green on the wall PEN - These pens are on the table. These pens are black over the table DRAFT - That pink eraser is behind the bookcase. That pink eraser is behind the bookshelf BACKPACK - This blue book is out of the bag. This book is sky blue schoolbag outside the RULE - The golden rule is among those books. The gold ruler is Between Those books CALCULATOR - The silvery calculator is next to the backpack. The silver calculator is next to That schoolbag

The second group of examples will use  and the verb SER.  “Los colores” a special type of adjectives and they are always placed after the object (noun) we are describing. We do not say Un rosado borrador meaning a pink eraser, but Un borrador rosado. Now, the tricky part with colors is that they change their gender (feminine, masculine) and number (singular, plural) depending on the item or items they are describing, for example, REGLA is feminine, singular noun so we would need a color that matches that gender and number like ROJA or VERDE so we can something like “Una regla roja”. On the other hand, if we have three REGLAS then we should say “Tres reglas rojas” with the color and object in plural form. Colors are often placed directly after the noun they describe or after a form of commonly ES and SON. These two forms can also be used with  to tell more about objects, for example: “viejo”(old), “nuevo”(new) and so on.

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