Nova Language Consultants provides A-class courses for international exams, such as , , and . Our vast experience will make you get the scores your need (“target score”) within a reasonable time.
It’s crucial to assess your level of English at the very start: this is what we call Initial Assessment. This will give you and us an estimated time of instruction for your exam(s); additionally, soon after your first 3 weeks you’ll start taking mock-ups of your test: we call them “Full Tests” and they are usually taken on Saturday mornings. However, if you can allot 3 to 4 hours during a weekday, we’ll make the necessary arrangements for you.
With the information from your Initial Assessment plus your first Full test, you and your instructor will have a clearer picture of your progress, the areas that you need to improve and as you continue taking Full Tests (up to 7 maximum) you will be the first to know when you’re ready to sign up for your official test.
Students with a rather low level of English will be recommended to take a first so they can reach an intermediate level prior to test preparation. Technically speaking you need a Level B1 (CEFR) in order to train for a test successfully. The general English course at Nova includes portions of test preparation for lower intermediate students, yet, you are free to choose another school or private tutor to upgrade your initial English level.
With us, you’ll be certain of what and how you’re preparing. Our business is not to have you as a student here forever. As soon as you walk into Nova Language Consultants, we truly commit ourselves to you: You want to complete your language learning process and leave for the university of your choice. We want exactly the same. .