We want to say THANK YOU to everyone involved with the 2015 Shine the Light on Woman Abuse Campaign. Here is our 2015 Shine the Light video made by Producers Post.
The goals of the campaign are to raise awareness of men’s violence against women by turning cities, regions and counties purple for the month of November; to stand in solidarity with abused women and support them in understanding that any shame and/or blame they may feel does not belong to them but to the perpetrators of their abuse; and to raise the profile of the community agencies that can provide abused women with help as they attempt to live their lives free from violence and abuse.
Purple is a symbol of courage, survival and honour, and has come to symbolize the fight to end woman abuse. We invite local businesses, schools, places of worship, apartments and homes to go purple! Decorate with purple lights, balloons, streamers or any other purple supplies.
Visit us on Facebook and Twitter!
SURVIVOR Lenka Kriz, 26 "Before I found the London Abused Women's Centre I was scared, broken and unsure of every step I took. Today, after many years of healing, I have found my voice and the confidence to take on any challenge in life. I am currently finishing my last year in University to become a social worker and I look forward to helping other women who are victims of abuse." - Lenka
MISSING Jessie Foster, 21 "Jessie was always excited about everything. She was funny, loving and had so many friends all her life. She was always on the go. In 2005 at the age of 20 years old, Jessie was taken to Las Vegas by a "so-called" friend. We later learned he sold/gave her to a pimp. Jessie went missing in 2006. After she disappeared we found out she had been beaten, hospitalized and trafficked into prostitution. We miss her every single day" - Glendene Grant, Jessie's mom
We have the Shine the Light Video available in the following languages: English Spanish French Serbo-Croatian German Mandarin Cantonese Arabic