is a great site. It’s like Yahoo Answers, but generally people don’t ask questions that make you face palm. Quora requires registration, but it’s free and there is all kinds of useful information on there. Everything from advice from entrepreneurs to things you’d be surprised to learn about other countries to perspective from people who achieved millionaire status in their early 20s. If I had more time I’d read it every day.
But this article in particular falls into the “highly useful” category.
Answers include packing, speed reading (something I want to learn myself), how to remember people’s names, how to learn basic Korean (complete with cartoons which lead me to believe you could in fact learn the lesson in a short amount of time), how to charge your cell phone twice as fast, how to easily convert from kgs to lbs, and more.
You could almost call it a life hack thread. So, go register and read!