
Need To Learn Spanish Asap

is a category inspired by you. Here and there readers write in with questions that are better served by the varied, experiential knowledge of those who read and contribute in the comments. Please respond to this post in the comments, but if you have a question for the community email it to .

The following question is from Brynna H.

I have been reading PW’s blog for over 6 years now, and until 2 years ago, I was a math and science teacher at a private school. I have always thought about homeschooling, but I don’t think it’s the best fit for us right now. I read all the posts and comments on PW’s homeschooling page because education is so important to me. I would really appreciate any feedback from readers regarding my question. I’ll give you some background to go with it.

I have two young kids, 5 and 3. My 5 year old daughter is in full day kindergarten at a private school. She has Spanish twice a week and LOVES it. I don’t really know any Spanish (do agua and queso count?). I took French from 7th-11th grade, but was not good at it at all. I didn’t really even enjoy it. Although it gets to be a little too much for the rest of us sometimes, I love that she is constantly singing songs in Spanish and just saying the few words she knows (colors, body parts, calendar months, etc). Is there some type of Spanish curriculum out there for kindergarteners that you would recommend? She really wants to learn all she can, and I am more than happy to supplement at home. It would be great if her 3 year old brother could be a little involved as well. Because I don’t know any Spanish, I would need something more than just reading her things off a page. I don’t know how the words are supposed to sound, and my daughter is so great at exactly copying her teacher’s naturalaccent. A mix of CD/DVD would probably be best, but I really have no idea. Any thoughts on this would be so helpful!

Have you integrated Spanish into your homeschool curriculum? If so, do you have any suggestions for Brynna?
Heather Sanders Hi. I’m Heather, a freelance writer living in Huntsville, a smallish town on the tail-end of the East Texas Pineywoods. Twenty years ago, I married Jeff, the love of my life, and shortly after, we chose to “go forth and multiply.” We have three kids: Emelie, Meredith and Kenny. We homeschool. It's what we do, and it works for us. Tired of feeling overwhelmed, we recently "faithsized" our family into a 960 square foot lake cabin in need of renovation. I write at about faith and simplifying your desires so you can be content right here and right now (16) Follow Heather Sanders: Heather Sanders' blog:

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