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Bible Study Lessons

Your Leader Book has 3 sections:

    Summaries of each Bible lesson, followed by a page called “Practice Makes Perfect” – a recipe for running a good Bible study Each lesson is written in discussion form with discussion questions followed by suggested answers. Following the last “regular” lesson is a section of 5 special lessons for Thanksgiving, Christmas, Easter, Prayer, & Story Time (see the lesson summary section for a description of these lessons) This section contains answers to the questions in the Exploring the Bible workbooks.
      Patty Proverbs and the “Good-For-You-Friend-Club,” Tabitha and “Show & Tell,” and “Daddy’s Girl” are some of the great girls and women you’ll meet in this series. Just for girls? No way – they have something to say to the guys too! 24 Lessons. Companion workbook to Bible Beauties Leaderbook Five lessons designed to help kids learn to build healthy relationships with God, parents (including others in authority), friends, and themselves. Special section on using camp facilites to teach life lessons. Toothpaste, lemons, and Life Savers are all part of the fun games, stories and short lessons to help you instill morals and values like encouragement, helping others, and being thankful in your children. They’ll like the lessons, and you’ll like what they learn. 8 Lessons. We’re back with more games & stories. Dirt, popcorn and ice cream help your kids learn important lessons like kindness, how to handle anger, and staying healthy in a way that they’ll enjoy and remember. 8 Lessons. We’reback with more games & stories. Dominoes, pizza, and balloons help your kids learn important lessons like honesty, helping others, and forgiveness in a way that they’ll enjoy and remember. 8 Lessons. How do you know God exists? What’s the difference between Biblical Christianity & other religions? Is the Theory of Biological Evolution a proven fact? We’ll give you the answers you and your kids need to know! 25 Lessons. Companion workbook to the Christian Apologetics Leaderbook “A” is for Attitude, “B” is for Benevolence, “C” is for Christ-Like, & 15 more character qualities help you learn the alphabet a whole new way! 29 Lessons. Companion workbook to the Christian Character Leaderbook At first, Moses said, “No!” Gideon said, “Why me?” and Jonah said, “I’m gettin’ outta here!” Heroes? You bet! We’ll meet these and 18 other men and women whose achievements, qualities and courage made them heroes then and make them heroes today! 29 Lessons. Companion workbook to the Heroes of the BibleLeaderbook "Success The Old Fashion Way", "How To Win friends & Influence People", "Swimming Against The Current"; "Completely Changed, Changed Completely", "Having A Good Time By Having A Good Life". Lessons from Daniel & Paul help us live a Christian life in today’s world. What's Life All About? When Can I Drive The Hummer? Where Do I Fit In? Should I Go Out With Him? & more! Let's Talk guides you and your teen through issues that are knocking on your door if they haven't already arrived. 23 Lessons. “Land that drinks in the rain often falling on it and that produces a crop useful to those for whom it is farmed receives the blessing of God. 8 But land that produces thorns and thistles is worthless and is in danger of being cursed. In the end it will be burned” (Hebrews 6:7-8). There is a story of two farmers who both prayed for rain, but only one prepared his field to receive the rain. This guide is designed to help you prepare your homes, neighborhoods, and communities “for rain” -God’s blessings – by walking or driving through your neighborhoods and communities, praising and offering prayers to our God. At any level of athletic competition the physical prize competed for doesn't last. There is, however, a higher prize to pursue, one that won't spoil or fade away. Throughout T.E.A.M. you have the chance to build your own athletic department based on God's definition of success and everyone from the Athletic Director to the coach to the parent to the athlete to the supporting community can have a part in it. 7 Lessons 30 devotions featuring Olympic athletes. We start off with how God’s call to Abram leads to the nation of Israel receiving the Ten Commandments. Then we’ll have some fun with: “It’s Cool In The Furnace”, “Statue Of Limitations”, “My God’s Bigger Than Your god”... & more! 26 Lessons. Companion workbook to the Ten Commandments 1 Leaderbook It’s more fun with the Ten Commandments: “Ten Ways To Be Totally Cool”, “Gunk In Your Gas”, “This SpaceReserved For God,” “TV - Guide!” & more! 30 Lessons. Companion workbook to the Ten Commandments 2 Leaderbook Farmer is a young man struggling to make a living farming on The Pile. Josh is a craftsman, a storyteller, an adventurer, and well…a bit unusual. When the two meet and decide to ride together in the town’s annual bicycling festival, Farmer doesn't know that Josh is about to take him on a journey that will change him forever. “Under Construction”, “God’s Game Plan”, “Walk This Way, Please”, “Just Say Yes - To God”! It’s a workout at spiritual training camp! Selected proverbs put you and the kids through exercises in wisdom, morals, ethics, discipline, perseverance & more. 28 Lessons. Companion workbook to the Training Camp Leaderbook

* Let’s Talk, Lessons & Letters, & T.E.A.M. do not have a separate workbooks. These books do not have the special lessons section.

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