
Spanish Course Munich

For many, Open Space has been a daring and marvelous exploration of the vastness and the urgency of personal and organizational transformation. For others, it’s just an exceedingly effective, and efficient, meeting methodology. Welcome to a slice of all of that…

Join us for practitioner conference events in Melbourne, Australia (Dec 2015) and/or Manila, Philippines (Nov 2016)!

After thirty years and literally millions of invitations and actions, small meetings and large events, conversations and publications, organizations and adaptations – in more than 140 countries – the Open Space story can get a bit messy.  There is no overarching Open Space organization, no patent or trademark, and no global marketing budget: just lots of good people, active practice and shared stories.

OpenSpaceWorld.ORG doesn’t own or control any of that and couldn’t possibly define, evaluate or curate it all. The intention here is to bring together just enough of the Open Space story to get you started, suggest some basic patterns, and send you (back) out into the web and the world, to find and do more opening.

Thank You!

…to all of the authors, editors, translators, wiki gnomes, donors and other helpers who’ve contributed to this site since 1999, especially Raffi Aftandelian, Tova Averbuch, Brian Bainbridge, Tricia Chirumbole, Ashley Cooper, Chris Corrigan, Artur Ferreira da Silva, Carol Daniel Kasbari, Koos de Heer, Gerardo de Luzenberger, Gabriela Ender, John Engle, Ted Ernst, Wendy Farmer-O’Neil, Doug Germann, Diane Gibeault, Elwin Guild, Beck György, Michael Herman, Thomas Herrmann, Peggy Holman, Sheila Isakson, Lisa Kimball, Tim Lannan, Paul Levy, Jean-Yves Lord, Christy Lee-Engel, Elena Marchuk, Esther Matte, Brendan McKeague, Gerard Muller, Ingrid Olausson, Funda Oral, Barry Owen, Harrison Owen, Michael M Pannwitz, Stanley Park, Brian Rogers, Véronique Dos Santos, Mikk Sarv, Agneta Setterwell, Harold Shinsato, Anne Stadler, Filiz Telek, Siona van Dijk, the Open Space Institute USA, and the photographers who’ve shared 12,000+ photos at Flickr!

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