…a place for you to get the most out of your Spanish class as possible!
Here you will find plenty of practice, classroom presentation copies, etc.
Be sure to check back often as the site develops along the way. Follow the links above and to the right to help you navigate the site. Be sure to check out these two links too:
Why TheMaxFacts, you ask? It’s a long story, but here’s the Max that inspired it all!
Posted by on September 3rd, 2006 ·
You can find some more information . Give him a treat while your there too! This website is ever-evolving and being edited/updated. Pages and links will be updated as the school-year progresses and we reach different topics. If you are looking for something from the OLD maxfacts, please follow . In the meantime, I believe this format will be easier to update and navigate. Feel free to offer ideas or requests for materials that you would like to see posted! Please let me know what you would like to see added to this site. The best way to contact me is via email at this email: